  • 學位論文


Factors associated with social work student’s attitude toward poverty: social work education, ideology, and poverty attribution

指導教授 : 鄭麗珍


培養對社工專業的認同,以及促進學生對於弱勢人口的關懷,是社工教育的重要使命之一。然而在當前貧富差距逐漸擴大、低收入戶數上升的現代,關於社工教育的成果、以及對貧窮態度的研究數量並不多。為了瞭解社工教育的成效,運用Zucker & Weiner(1993)的歸因理論模型,來檢視社會工作教育,如何對學生的意識型態、貧窮歸因以及對貧窮人口的態度。 本研究採用調查研究法,獲得來自16間台灣大專院校社工系424位同學的回覆,大一與大四的同學約各占一半。研究工具的部分,社工教育量表為研究者自編,包含貧窮學習成效、教師教學表現、系上課程安排、個人生活接觸等四部分;意識型態測量則運用社會平等觀、政府責任認定、工作倫理三份量表組合而成;貧窮歸因包含個人、文化、結構;最後的依變項:貧窮態度,則由認知、情感、行為組合而成。經過探索性與驗證性因素分析確認問卷效度後,以SPSS進行多元回歸分析,並運用AMOS進行路徑分析,以了解變項之間直接效果與間接效果。 研究結果發現,雖然大一與大四學生的貧窮態度並無顯著差距,但年級卻能透過貧窮歸因產生間接的影響效果。在回歸分析的部分,發現擁有較佳學習成效、意識型態偏左、不認同貧窮是個人與文化歸因的學生,會有著較正向的貧窮態度;同時在路徑分析中,也驗證了歸因理論模型的說法,貧窮歸因在意識型態與貧窮態度之間,確實具有中介效果。因此,社工教育除了應重視結構觀的思維、降低個人歸因,也須關注學生們的吸收狀況,以提升學生對貧窮人口的態度。


A core tenet of social work education is to cultivate students’ professional identity and ability to show concern to the disadvantaged people. However, in the past, little research focuses on exploring the relationships between social work education and student attitudes toward the disadvantage people in Taiwan. This study took the poor as the disadvantaged people in examining what kind of dynamic factors could contribute social work students’ attitudes toward the poor. To be exact, based on the attribution theory model proposed by Zucker & Weiner (1993), this study tested a path relationship among social work education, welfare ideology, poverty attribution, and attitudes toward poverty. The four hundred and twenty-four social work students were recruited through a stratified random cluster sampling design from 16 different universities across Taiwan. And they were invited to give responses to structured questionnaire. Attitudes toward poverty, as the dependent variable, was defined as students’ cognitive, affection, and behavior tendency toward economic disadvantaged people. Regarding the independent variables, a newly developed poverty attribution scale was used to measure students’ personal, cultural, and structural poverty attribution. The welfare ideology comes from a composite scale of three small scales, which measured the concepts of opposition to inequality, government responsibility, and attribution of success. The social work education variable was defined by students’ learning competency on poverty issues. Lastly, students’ gender, college year, are controlled in the model. Except for descriptive statistics analysis, a stepwise multivariate analysis was used to test the causal relationships between these variables, and AMOS analysis was also used to test the path relationship among the independent and dependent variables. In the correlated analysis, the data indicated no significant difference on students’ poverty attitudes toward poverty. However, the senior students showed significantly lower approval of personal and cultural attribution on poverty, and they expressed higher learning competency on poverty issues. In the multiple regression models, all variables totally explain 38% variance of students’ attitudes toward poverty. As expected, social work students who had higher learning competency on poverty issues, more toward left-winged ideological, higher approval of structural poverty attribution, higher opposition against personal and cultural attribution were positively related to attitudes toward poverty. In path analysis, the attribution model which posited students’ poverty attribution had a mediate effect on the relationship between students’ welfare ideology and their attitudes toward poverty was also confirmed. Results in this study indicated that students’ learning competency on poverty issues played an important role in cultivating students to be reflective and thoughtful in their poverty attribution and welfare ideology toward the poor people. The competency then indirectly was transformed to enhance their poverty attribution toward more structural explanations and then eventually change their attitudes toward poverty favorably. The implications about social work education to promote social work students’ learning competency on poverty issues is included in this paper.


王永慈(2005)。 台灣的貧窮問題:相關研究的檢視。臺大社會工作學刊,10, 1-54。
