  • 學位論文


Comparison Between the Children’s Health of Foreign-born Mother and Native-born Mother

指導教授 : 江東亮


背景:自21世紀初起,台灣的新住民子女人數快速增加。但是,對於新移民子女兒童時期的健康研究仍相當缺乏。 研究目的: 本研究的目的有二,比較(1)新住民子女健康與本地子女健康是否有差異,(2)兩者間的差距是否會因家庭社經地位的不同而改變。 研究方法: 本研究資料來源為臺灣出生世代研究先驅調查。篩選出完成第一波(6個月)以及第四波調查(5歲)者,共計1617名樣本兒童進行分析。自變項為兒童身份,依變項為兒童健康,包含:一般健康與健康恢復力。 研究結果: 新住民子女之家庭社經地位與本地子女相比顯著較差。在一般健康上,新住民子女與本地子女並未有顯著差異,在健康恢復力方面,新住民子女顯著較差(OR=2.00,95% CI=1.30-3.05),控制了家庭社經地位後,勝算比下降並且顯著性減少(OR=1.74,95% CI=1.08-2.80)。 結論: 整體而言,新住民子女的健康並未較本地子女差,家庭社經地位會影響其健康恢復力的表現。


Background: In Taiwan, the number of children born to foreign-born mother has rapidly increased since 21st century. However there is only little research on the health of these children. Objective: The aims of this study are to examine (1) the health disparity between children of foreign-born mothers and native-born mothers and (2) whether the health gap would be varied with different socioeconomic status. Method: Data was from Taiwan Birth Cohort Pilot Study. This study analyzed 1617 children who completed 6-month and 5-year surveys. The children were divided into two groups: children of foreign-born mother and children of native-born mother. Health variables are general health and health resilience. Result: The family socioeconomic status of children with foreign-born mother was significantly lower than children of native-born mother. There is no significant difference between two groups in general health. Children of foreign-born mother had higher odds of poor health resilience(OR=2.00,95% CI=1.30-3.05), after controlling for family socioeconomic status, the odds of poor health resilience became lower and less significant(OR=1.74,95% CI=1.08-2.80)。 Conclusion: Children of foreign-born mother did not experience worse health than children of native-born mother. Family socioeconomic status is an important factor in influencing the disparity of health resilience between the two groups.


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