  • 學位論文


Evaluating suitability of onshore wind farm in Taiwan from location point of view

指導教授 : 林俊全


再生能源是當代國內外最重視的發展項目之一,沒有傳統化石燃料的二氧化碳排放,以及核能所伴隨的核廢料與輻射汙染問題,因此被認為是減緩氣候變遷與解決核能問題的潔淨能源選擇。國內由於反核風潮與減少二氧化碳排放的需求,近年積極推動再生能源發展,其中風力發電是近十年成長最快速的再生能源項目,也被期待能填補未來廢核的發電缺口。然而過去幾年建設風力發電過程中,經常遭遇在地居民抗爭如苑裡反風車行動,因此本研究希望從設置風力發電機組的條件出發,綜合相關限制條件,以地理資訊系統繪製相關地圖,探討目前臺灣本島風機不適宜之處,並嘗試提出改善方法。 本研究利用風速、坡度以及各種限制風力發電設施建設的條件,分析目前臺灣風力發電設施位置是否合宜。就風能資源而言,臺灣本島風機多半位於最具風能潛力的位置,但開發風電之餘也必須考慮其環境影響。由過去開發案例得知,風機運轉所發出的低頻噪音是風力發電的環境影響中最重要的影響因素,開發者必須將風機位置與周邊住宅保持適當距離以避免噪音污染,政府也對此制定相關距離規範。然而在分析結果中得知,約四分之一數量的風機未能滿足相關距離的規範,部分風機的量測數據也顯示其對周邊聚落產生一定程度的噪音汙染;另外結果也顯示,部分風機位在環境敏感區內,有造成環境影響的可能性;過去研究認為,西部砂質海岸存在海岸侵蝕的熱點,在本研究分析結果中則認為,海岸侵蝕熱點多半不會對現有風機造成立即威脅。總結而言,噪音汙染是當前國內風力發電的最大問題,必須採取對應措施以減緩或避免其影響。


Renewable energy is one of the most important global issue. Unlike fossil fuel or nuclear energy, human can get rid of massive carbon dioxide emission and radiation issues with renewable energy. Therefore renewable energy is regarded as a solution on mitigating climate change and nuclear security problem. In Taiwan, renewable energy is the most important alternative and highly encouraged by government because of campaigns against nuclear energy and carbon emission. Among all types of renewable energy, wind energy is the fastest developed one in a decade, and it also expected to fill the power gap after nuclear plants shut down. However, wind turbines are often resist by local community. In this research, we analyzed conditions in constructing wind turbines, mapping out all conditions. With these conditions, we discuss the reason makes domestic wind turbine inappropriate and try to figure out how to improve it. In this research, we use variable factors including annual average wind speed, slope, and other environmental constraints to examine whether the existing wind turbines are appropriate. In terms of wind energy potential, wind turbines in Taiwan have the best domestic wind resource condition, however, the environmental impact is still an important issue to be concerned. According to domestic experience on wind energy development in past decades, low frequency noise between 20 to 200Hz is the most threatening factor among all environmental impact factors. Wind farm owners have to keep these turbines from residence with appropriate distance to avoid noise pollution, and there are also several regulations about the distance standard. However, there are still ¼ wind turbines do not match the distance standard, and measurement results also show some residences are affected by noise. Besides, some turbines located in environmental sensitive area and may cause environmental impact. Several researches implied that there are coastal erosion hot spots in western Taiwan, but in this research we believe these hot spots do not threaten existing wind turbines immediately. In conclusion, noise pollution is the most important issue and we have to take action to mitigate the impact.


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