  • 學位論文


The nurses’ competence of nurses on caring of pregnancy women with HIV(+)

指導教授 : 蘇燦煑


全球感染愛滋病毒之男女比例差距逐漸縮小,而近年來我國女性感染愛滋的比例劇增,於民國95年12月底止,女性各年齡感染者之以20-39歲的感染率佔多數,為女性感染人口的60.45%,此一年齡群因正值生育年齡,使得母子垂直感染HIV之議題受到重視,而周產期護理人員對於HIV(+)孕產婦之照護能力就更顯得重要了。本研究目的為了解臺灣北部地區級以上醫院,周產期相關護理人員對於HIV感染孕產婦之照護能力的現況及其相關影響因素。 本研究採調查法,研究情境為台灣北部地區以上醫院包括愛滋病指定醫院及非指定醫院各三家。研究對象為周產期相關護理人員,研究工具為結構式愛滋病照護知識問卷與技能問卷,以自填方式填答。問卷共發出375份,回收問卷365份,再扣除無效問卷9份共得有效問卷356份,有效問卷回收率94.93%。 本研究結果:一、護理人員對HIV(+)孕產婦之照護知識正確率為46%,而 分項正確率較高之項目依次為一般性照護知識、健康監測治療,而較低項目是生產決策、自我照顧。照護技能正確率為70%,而分項正確率較高之項目依次為感染源處理、環境設備及一般用物處理,較低項目為執行護理活動時採取輔具及措施。護理人員專業經驗、醫療院所是否為愛滋防治指定醫院、醫院是否為醫學中心及資源投入等因素,均影響護理人員之知識及技能。依據本研究結果,建議制定愛滋病/ HIV (+)孕產婦照護工作指引及防護設備標準,且全面對周產期護理人員給予在職教育,另一方面由愛滋防治指定醫院及醫學中心應擔負協助及輔導責任。


Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a major disease leading to death. In our country, till December 2006, the ratio of male to female patients is decreasing that the incidence of females is increasing, especially in the reproductive age of 20-39 years old. Therefore, the possibility of vertical transmission may increase. To prevent this problem is an import issue. This study is designed to investigate the capability of nurses undergoing perinatal care for HIV-infected pregnant women. The questionnaire was answered by the nursing staffs. We compare the parameters between three AIDS-caring hospitals and three non-AIDS-caring hospitals. The results from 365 subjects revealed that the percentage of correct answers for caring knowledge (46%) was lower than that of caring skill (70%). In the caring knowledge, the score for the knowledge of routine care was highest, and the health monitoring, determination of delivery, and self care were in the decreasing order. In the caring skill, the score for management of infectious source was highest, and then equipment, management of usual articles, and assisted device were in the decreasing order. The differences were statistically significant between AIDS-caring hospitals and non-AIDS-caring hospitals. The caring knowledge was correlated to the caring skill. The results of this study would provide the health administration to promote the nursing care for HIV-infected pregnant women, including guidelines for care, standards for self protection, and education.


莊苹、劉仲冬(1997)•愛滋風暴-愛滋之烙印對感染者及一般民眾之意義•護理研 究,5(1),52-64。
