  • 學位論文


Reticular Embeddedness, Interstitial Form: The Biography of User Engagement with Their Social Networking Sites

指導教授 : 林鶴玲


「人們如何使用一個社群媒介?」這個素樸的問題,可以是很簡單的理性行為與變項競合間的策略抉擇。而本文則把這個問題帶回使用者與社群媒介的整體互動情境中,讓它從單一問句深化成一個日常生活微觀場景與鉅觀文化脈絡相互滲透的過程,包括每日生活的節奏感、生涯軌跡的流動、和社會文化對社群媒介的價值期待與想像,都會成為這個問句中的一部份,而後相互滲透建構出一個人與社群媒介相互嵌合的生命記事。 本文以時間這項中介人與社群媒介互動的要素來切入這個問題,在操作上分成大河時間、生涯時間、與每日時間三層次,來論析人與社群媒介的關係如何在不同時間層次上開展。因應不同時間層次的資料,本研究採取多重研究方法並用的形式。大河時間層次以聯合知識庫收集而來的新聞文本分析為主;生涯時間層次則採深度訪談;每日時間層次則採用lifelogging的形式,以手機app和電腦瀏覽器歷史檔取得參與者使用社群媒介的時間點資料,再與深度訪談的資料詮釋相互對照。 研究發現,在大河時間層次上,從1989年至2015年5月關於社群媒介的新聞資料中,其構築出來的敘事框架包含社群媒介的角色、效應、與關係掌控。在角色面向上,社群媒介被套用了資訊、溝通、個人媒體、和資本等面向的隱喻,在描繪出社群媒介確實具有何種用途的同時,還傳達出它能詮釋和被期待為某種角色。在效應面向上,社群媒介被描繪成一把雙面刃,既具有安全網的功能,同時也是個須提防和謹慎的監控網和地雷網。這些隱喻的套用說明了效應的可欲/不可欲性,接連而來的就是敦促使用者善用社群媒介的角色,運用控制觀、警醒觀、和界線觀等敘事框架,傳達出「善用是工具、濫用是悲劇」的情節輪廓。這些新聞敘事的集合,不僅是當代社群媒介發展的歷史圖像,同時也在傳誦的過程中成為架構人們認知模式的資源,進而在實作的過程中成為潛在的行動方針。 在生涯時間層次,人與社群媒介的關係是鑲嵌式的。這鑲嵌的意義不只偏離理性選擇論,也偏離個人特質論。不論是社群媒介的物質特性,或是使用者個人的人口變項,都無法獨立運作在人與社群媒介的關係中。反之,在人們選擇採用社群媒介的過程中,作用的力量是情境的(如特定的身份、認同與關係會促成人們親近、選擇、並著力在哪些媒介之上)、文化的(如關於什麼樣的身份應該匹配什麼樣的媒介的集體實作與想像)、也是歷史的(過往的採用經驗會形成後續媒介使用的策略與實作邏輯)。實作的挪用過程也蘊含脈絡中的主觀詮釋和意義賦予的空間。最後,隨著脈絡的更迭,已被馴化的社群媒介也會出現去馴化或再馴化的結果。 在每日時間層次上,將時間性劃分成長度、時點、次序、期限、週期和韻律等六面向,來觀察社群媒介在每日生活時間結構中的位置。始得知,社群媒介使用時間的長短是鑲嵌在特定社會情境中,與各種技術媒介特質、個人挪用和社會規範的力量相互作用而成。在時間點的座落上,社群媒介的使用也非隨機散布,而是嵌合在各種社會關係、文化期待、技術支援和生活儀式的網絡之內,並在與期限的相互折衝中,調配出一種被認可的「適當」模式來。在週期上,傳統既有的時間結構與生活週期仍指引著社群媒介的使用規律,而後依循脈絡性的變化而衍生出例行與例外性相互參差的韻律結構。 三個層次的時間經驗是相互滲透的,以此統合起來可見,社群媒介進駐人們生活的方式,是鑲嵌在一個網狀關係之中,並以一種片斷、間歇、短促性的隙狀姿態充填在各個孔縫之中。準此,本研究的理論意涵與貢獻在於,(一)經驗層次上,透過時間性的鋪排,把「人使用社群媒介」的議題從脫離脈絡的快照式觀看,放回特屬脈絡的長程縱深。人與社群媒介的關係就此不再只是變項間的推導建構,而是座落在特定的情境脈絡中茁壯起來、具有特定血肉的嵌合傳記,並透過使用模式的時間語言,訴說出社群媒介在當代生活的位置。(二)理論層次上,本文所做的脈絡性梳理,能對人—技術關係的現象學提供更為具體的思考資源,讓人與科技媒介的關係不再只有孰主孰客,而能在具體實作過程中共構出多重連結關係。(三)方法層次上,本文運用多重研究方法,尤其是lifelogging所呈現的擴展詮釋學,更有助於我們討論工具角色與科學知識間的關係。


“How do people use SNSs?” is a question whose answers can be as simple as rational behaviors. The dissertation places this question in an interactive context between users and SNSs, making it evolve from one single question to a process in which micro scenes of daily life and macro cultural contexts penetrate each other. The goal of this study is to explore how SNSs shape our rhythm of daily life, as well as what a social culture expects and imagines about the value of SNSs, and to create a life-embedded narrative of mutual penetration between users and SNSs. To answer the above question, time was chosen purposefully as a factor that intermediates the interaction between users and SNSs. The framework of three different scales including large-scale time, life time, and everyday time, was constructed to investigate how social culture, use careers and micro-interaction influence our daily SNSs usage. Multiple methods were conducted for different scales of time. For example, news content analysis was adopted to study large-scale time, while depth interview for life time. For everyday time, the logs of SNSs usage on mobile phones and personal computers were collected to verify results of depth interview. On the level of large-scale time, SNSs related news from 1989 to 2015 were found to create a narrative framework in terms of its role, effect and relationship control. SNSs were implied with roles such as information, communication, personal media, and capitals, which means that, in additional to its actual and practical purpose, SNSs was expected to play multiple roles in different circumstances. Regarding the effect of SNSs, it was described as a double-edged sword, which provides safety but also leads to inevitable social surveillance and traps. These metaphors account for the do-want and don't want effect of SNSs. Users were found to describe how they view SNSs carefully with narrative frameworks such as control, vigilance, and boundary, which reveal their awareness of good use and abuse of SNSs. This collection of news narratives not only shows the development history of SNSs but also influence how people recognize and use SNSs. On the scale of life time, users and SNSs were found to mutually embedded with each other. The meaning of embedment deviates from both rational action and demographic characteristics. Neither the material features of SNSs nor the personal demographic variables of users can independently work in the relationship between users and SNSs. Rather, the mechanism of domestication of SNSs are situational, cultural, and historical. Also, the processes of appropriation are involved with subjective interpretation and meaning endowment in a context. With the change of social contexts, domesticated SNSs could be de-domesticated or re-domesticated. On the everyday time scale, the characteristics of time including duration, temporal location, sequence, deadline, cycle, and rhythm were applied to investigate how SNSs were situated in the temporal structure of one’s daily life. The result shows that the duration of SNSs usage was influenced by the characteristics of SNSs, users’ appropriation, and social norms in specific social circumstances. The uses of SNSs are not randomly allocated at one’s daily life but deeply influenced by various social relations, cultural expectation, technology support, and rituals of life. When encountering a due date in one’s life, the uses of SNSs are often tuned to a recognized “appropriate” mode. Existing temporal structure and life cycle still have an effect on social media usage and accordingly, following the change of contexts, the rhythm with both routine and exception is generated. To sum up, the three mutual penetrating scales of time experiences reveal that SNSs enter people’s daily life in reticular rhythms and fill in every single slot in a fragmental, intermittent, short, and interstitial form of usage. Based on the results, the dissertation concludes its theoretical significance and contribution in three aspects. First, the SNSs usage is discussed, not on the basis of a snapshot-like observation, but in specific contexts with different temporal scales, which suggests that the relationship between users and SNSs is not a derivative construction of variables, but an embedded biography of lived experiences which develop in situational contexts. Second, the empirical study in the dissertation provides a more contrete way of thinking with regard to the human-technology relationship, which is not limited to an absolute subject-object relation, but a multilevel networked relationship. Last, among the multiple research methods applied in the study, lifelogging method particularly is found to expand the hermeneutics, which benefits researchers in discussing the relationship between roles of tools and scientific knowledge.




