  • 學位論文


Risk Analysis of Bicycles and Motorized Vehicles in the Intersection

指導教授 : 張學孔


永續發展和綠色運輸已成為許多國家的都市政策,發展綠色運輸除了須著重於便利的公共運輸及友善的步行環境,推廣使用自行車亦是相當重要的一環。自行車之方便、節能、低成本特性,其不僅可以提供無縫運輸中最後一哩的服務,更可促進整體低碳節能綠色運輸發展。然而,現今臺灣都市道路設計皆是以車為本位,在尚未建立完善的自行車環境之前,自行車使用者仍然面對不友善、不安全的道路狀況。 為瞭解自行車與機動車輛於號誌路口的衝突狀況,本研究在量化風險評估架構下,透過汽、機車駕駛人行為傾向問卷調查,分析其直行、右轉、左轉對於自行車安全之風險機率,藉由自行車涉入道路事故資料及過去交通工程設施改善評估之風險規模,進而求得各行為之風險值。研究中以臺北市重要路口為案例,運用本研究所建之風險分析架構進行研究,並提出相關交通工程改善建議。最後,應用敏感度分析評估各情境因子對於「直行情境」、「右轉情境」及「左轉情境」衝突風險之影響程度。 研究結果顯示,整體風險機率最高為右轉情境,其次為左轉情境、直行情境,而當路口增加一般車輛號誌、自行車路口標誌、自行車待轉區、自行車優先停等線、自行車右轉槽化島、右轉車道標繪自行車等設施時可降低風險規模。因此,當路口車道數較少並設置自行車相關設施,可有效降低自行車與機動車輛之衝突風險值、提升自行車安全。本研究之成果可作為主管機關改善路口機動車輛與自行車衝突、建立安全友善自行車環境之參考。


Sustainability and green transportation have become important policy for urban development in many countries around the world. To develop green transportation, promoting the use of bicycle is also needed together with convenient public transportation and friendly pedestrian environment. As its aspects of convenience, energy saving and affordability, cycling can not only provide the last mile of seamless urban mobility but also enhance the use of public transportation. However, the current road car-oriented environment is not suitable for cycling so that cyclists still face unfriendly and unsafe road conditions. Under this circumstance, safety becomes a critical issue in promoting cycling. This research aims to identify the conflict risk between bicycles and motorized vehicles at the signalized intersection. A quantitative risk assessment is conducted based on bicycle database and survey of motorized vehicle drivers facing three scenario, including right turn, left turn and passing through in the intersection. The case study and sensitive analysis are both conducted based on the proposed risk structure of this research. The research results indicate that right-turn scenario has the highest total risk probability, and then are left-turn and straight scenarios, respectively. Moreover, it is found the following means of traffic engineering can decrease the risk scale effectively: traffic signal for bicycle, bicycle sign, bike waiting boxes, channelized lane for right-turn bicycle and bicycle marking on right-turn lane. Finally, decrement of the width of intersection and installation of cycling related facilities shown above can reduce the conflict risk between bicycles and motorized vehicles significantly. Results and findings of this research are useful for public authority in development of safety and friendly environment for cycling.


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