  • 學位論文


Integrated Manufacturers and Retailer Involve Defective Items with Allowable Shortage Under Two Kind of Permissible Delay In Payments

指導教授 : 歐陽良裕


在競爭愈來愈激烈的時代,企業為了更具競爭優勢,整合製造商與零售商的供應鏈可以有效的使雙方均能獲利。由於製造商的生產過程不完善、機器設備老舊,或員工搬運不小心等原因,致使零售商收到貨品中含有不良品。若零售商未經檢查而直接將貨品販售給顧客,顧客會產生抱怨,要求退換,甚至日後不再上門購買。另外,零售商為了減少存貨成本,而訂購較少的數量,若發生缺貨現象時,由於貨品的特性,顧客仍願意等候欠撥。再者,製造商為了提高產品的市佔率,常會提供零售商延遲付款策略,或是數量折扣 的優惠,以吸引零售商訂購更多貨品。 本文主要延伸黃炳豪 (2006) 的存貨整合模式。文中包含四個章節,第一章說明研究動機與目的、文獻探討及研究架構三部份。第二章在製造商提供兩種延遲付款策略下,建立零售商收到貨品中含有不良品,允許缺貨且完全欠撥的整合製造商與零售商之存貨模式。第三章延續第二章的研究,製造商提供單一延遲付款策略下,零售商的購買成本與訂購量有關,建立整合製造商與零售商的存貨模式。對於本研究所建立的模式,我們利用數學方法求得最適解存在的充要條件。接著,建立演算法以利求解,並舉例說明求解的過程與做敏感度分析。第四章提出本研究的結論和未來研究的方向。


In business competition more and more intense time, in order to has the competitive advantage, integrated manufacturer and retailer's supply chain may effective enable both sides to create profits. Due to the imperfection of supplier’s prodution process, the machine equipment is obsolete and the staff transports not carefully, the retailer receives items which inculded defective items. If the retailer directly sold to the customer not through the inspection items, it would cause the consumers to complain and request to return, even no longer will purchase in the future. In addition, in order to decrerse the inventory cost, the retailer will order fewer items. If it will result in shortage, as a result of goods characteristic, the customer still was willing to wait for. Furthermore, the manufacturer often offers the retailer a delayed in payments or quantity discounts to improve market share and attraction retailer order more items. This thesis extends the integrated inventory models of Huang (2006). Chapter 1 involves the motivation and objective of this thesis, in this chapter, literature review about relative research papers is also inculded. Chapter 2 considers the defective items in retailer’s arrival order lot with backlogging. We establish an intergrated manufacturer and retailer inventory model under two kind of permissible delay in payments. In Chapter 3, we extend model for Chapter 2, in which the effect of purchase cost dependent order-size. We establish an intergrated manufacturer and retailer inventory model under permissible delay in payments. The necessary and sufficient conditions of the existence and uniqueness of the optimal solutions for the two models are shown. In addition, an algorithm is provided to determine the optimal solution for each model. Numerical examples and sensitivity analyses are presented to illustrate the theoretical results. Chapter 4 the conclusion of this thesis and future research durections are proposed.


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