  • 學位論文


A Study of On-Line Shopping Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty Behavior

指導教授 : 張俊惠


根據資策會資訊市場情報中心 (MIC)發表「台灣網路消費行為趨勢觀察」的研究報告 (2007)中指出,2007年網友最常進行的網路活動,網購排名第五。另外,台灣整體線上購物市場規模於2007年將達到新台幣1,855億元,預估到2008年將達到新台幣2,530億元,成長率為36.4%。由此可知,網購市場正蓬勃的發展中,網友們也漸漸養成了透過網路來購物的習慣。由前述資料可知,整體網購市場規模逐年的在擴大,而透過網路商店來進行消費的比例也逐漸增加。因此,本研究將針對台灣的網路購物市場進行相關探討。 本研究係以修正後的ECSI模型做為本研究的研究架構,並針對曾經有從事網路購物經驗的消費者來進行研究,但不包括網路拍賣(C2C)。針對研究對象以網路問卷來進行測試,且主要以結構方程式模式(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)進行資料分析。 本研究有三個重要的研究結論: 一、在台灣網購市場中,網購滿意是網購忠誠的重要前因。 二、在台灣網購市場中,顧客期望、服務品質以及知覺價值皆對網購滿意有影響,其中服務品質對網購滿意影響最顯著。 三、在台灣網購市場中,網購滿意是顧客期望、服務品質、知覺價值與網購忠誠之間的重要中介角色。


According to the research from MIC in 2007, the ranking of on-line shopping is No.5 of the all on-line activities in Taiwan. In addition, the market scale of on-line shopping will grow up to NT$253 billion in 2008, the growth rate is 36.4% comparing to 2007. Thus we can know the on-line shopping is becoming one of the important retail channels for customers, and this research focuses on the on-line shopping in Taiwan market. This research presents the on-line shopping customer satisfaction in Taiwan, and the framework of this study is based on the revised ECSI Model (European Customer Satisfaction Index). The 209 samples were collected from the customers who have the purchasing experience through on-line stores (B2C). The data were analyzed by Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). There are 3 results from this research: In Taiwan’s on-line shopping market 1.E-customer satisfaction is the important antecedent of e-customer loyalty. 2.E-customer expectation, service quality, perceived value influence e-customer satisfaction. Among them, e-service quality influences e-customer satisfaction the most. 3.E-customer satisfaction is the most important mediator among e-customer expectation, service quality, perceived value and loyalty.


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