  • 學位論文


Différance of space

指導教授 : 陳珍誠


德希達(Derrida)以延異(différance)作為書寫的特色,延異意指著意義的延伸及變異。所有的事物都可以視為是一個文本,包含空間在內。空間,是由視覺、觸覺與聽覺等感知來做為溝通手段。那麼,在這個語言世界裡空間與建築要如何透過具有任意性原則的符號作為與使用者溝通的媒介? 空間對於每個人而言都擁有不同的意義,所以在設計先期便需要考量到賦予使用者多種詮釋的權利。在容許各自詮釋的開放條件底下,該如何進行傳達與誘導空間中真實意義的設計策略。 本研究以空間的意義作為開端,進一步討論符號的操作,最後則討論零度設計的可能性。以空間的延異性作為討論議題,嘗試著讓空間成為開放文本的設計方法,此設計方法意味著讓延異可以成為空間設計生產的操作方式。本研究共以三個階段來分別討論空間中的意義、符號、零度的設計操作,此三個階段分別為: 1.空間的意義如何產生 以密斯.凡德羅(Mies Vander Rohe)所設計的巴塞隆納館(Barcelona Pavilion)作為實驗對象,針對空間中某一元素做擾動,探討空間的意義如何產生。 2.符號與空間的相互作用 將淡江大學與淡江大學建築系的建築符號系統做結合,並以符號作為所有設計的概念發想,將空間與符號做結合,討論兩者之間解構與重構之後所產生的結果。 3.空間意義的開放詮釋 將具有明顯符號特徵的教堂做一系列的操作,分別是再現、解構、意象、零度,作為空間符號四個階段的設計操作探討。 本設計研究以延異作為設計概念開端,最後則以設計的零度作為開放與延伸空間意義的設計策略。從符號到零度,這樣的研究歷程其目的在於了解對於一個空間設計者而言要如何去掌握這個複雜與矛盾的語言世界,以及空間的意義如何產生。


空間 符號 詮釋 延異 零度


Derrida took différance, which means the extension and variation of meanings, as the feature of writing. All things could be regarded as a text, including space. Space takes senses such as vision, the tactile sense, and hearing as the communication method. Then, how could space and architecture be considered as the media of communication with users via the symbols with principle of arbitrariness in the language world? Since space has different meanings for each person, the right of various interpretations for users needs to be considered in the beginning of design. Under the open conditions of permitted respective interpretation, how could we conduct the design strategies of transmitting and inducing the real meanings into the space? This research takes the meaning of space as the opening, further discusses the operation of symbols, and discusses the possibility of “zero degree of design” at last. Besides looking on the différance of space as the discussed issue, this research tries to apply different design methods for the design of spaces, which means that différance and open texts could be the operation method for producing space design. This research separately discusses the meaning of space, symbols, and the design degree zero with three stages, which are as follows: 1. How did the meaning of space come into existence? The Barcelona Pavilion designed by Mies Van Der Rohe is taken as the experimental design object to discuss how the different meaning of space came into existence as the perturbation of certain element in the space happened. 2. The interaction between symbols and space. Combining the symbol system of Tamkang University and the Department of Architecture, the spaces and symbols of these two places will be integrated and the ideas for the designs. Consequently, the results of reconstruction and deconstruction will be discussed. 3. Open interpretations for the meaning of space. Conducting a series of design operations, which are respectively reappearance, deconstruction, image, and degree zero, of churches with obvious symbol features as the four-stage discussion on design operation of space symbols. This design research regards différance as the opening of design ideas, and design degree zero as the design strategy of meanings for open and extension space at the end. The research progress from symbol to zero degree is to understand that how designers control the complicated and incompatible language world and how the meaning of space came into existence.


Space Symbol Interpretation Diff&eacute rance Design Degree Zero


Brian Wilson〈基督宗教的世界〉1999,傅湘雯譯,台北:果實出版。
Chris Horrocks,1995〈布希亞〉1998,王尚文譯,台北:立緒文化。
Edward W. Soja,1996〈第三空間〉2004,王志弘、張華蓀、王玥民譯,台北:桂冠圖書。
Jacques Derrida,〈立場〉1998,劉北城等譯,台北:桂冠圖書。

