  • 學位論文

車輛改裝法規之法規影響評估 以道路交通安全規則第23條之1:增壓系統為例

A RIA of Automobile Modification:The Case Regarding Charging System of Section 23-1 of Road Traffic Safety Regulation

指導教授 : 陳銘祥


近年來我國汽車改裝之風氣日漸盛行,無論改裝之技術與品質已與國外不相上下,有鑒於目前我國車輛改裝之相關法規與政策的不盡完善,以致於我國車輛改裝產業發展不易,期望藉由本論文之研究,尋求更加良善之法規政策,進而有利於該產業之發展,同時使喜好車輛改裝之民眾有完善之政策得以遵行。本論文係根據道路交通安全規則第23條之1中禁止車輛變更引擎設備之規定,以引擎之機械或渦輪增壓系統設備改裝之適法性為例,並以法規影響評估(Regulatory Impact Analysis, RIA)作為本論文之研究方法。以下為各章節之概要: 第一章緒論,主要為研究動機、研究目的以及研究方法之說明。 第二章車輛改裝產業與法規概況,說明我國車輛改裝產業之現況與發展,並提出國內外相關法規概況,針對增壓器改裝之部分加以分析比較,以掌握國外之改裝法規概況,進而吸收國外經驗做為本論文於法規影響評估流程中所提出各項備選方案之參考。 第三章法規影響評估,就英、美、澳、加四國以及國內採行法規影響評估機制之政府機關,介紹其運用法規影響評估運用之流程,並選取出適宜本論文研究題目之機制與流程。 第四章增壓器之法規影響評估,在開放增壓器改裝的架構之下,就各項備選方案加以分析評估,並選取最終之方案,進而提出新修正法規、利害關係人之諮詢以及各政府機關應執行之配套措施,以尋求出最為適切現況與符合人民需求之車輛增壓器改裝法規。 第五章結論與建議,本論文先行就研究結果提出結論,進而就現行法規與利害關係人之需求提出建議。


In recent years automobile modification has become popular in Taiwan. The technology and quality of modified motors has been improved to meet the worldwide standard. However, the related laws and regulation remain hostile to any secondary market of car modification and leave little room to the related industries to develop. This dissertation employing the method of regulatory impact analysis explores the related provisions of the article 23-1 of the Road Traffic Safety Regulation in order to ensure the feasibility of related provisions. The dissertation is composed of five chapters. The main structure there of: 1. Chapter One includes study motive, research purpose and methods. 2. Chapter Two depicts the structure of existing related regulations in Taiwan as well as in foreign states. The experiences of foreign regulations are used as ground rules for the Taiwan regulation in a RIA study. 3. Chapter Three analyzes and compares the regulatory impact analyses in UK, US, Australia and Canada so as to provide a proper procedure of RIA in this dissertation. 4. Chapter Four focuses on the regulations related to opening overhead construction of charging system modification with the process of RIA approach. 5. Chapter Five offers conclusions and suggestions.


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