  • 學位論文


The study of Ads. Effects on the Story-Form Advertising -The Case of Hakka Affairs Council.

指導教授 : 黃振家


當廣告成為了推廣客家文化的媒介時,內容參雜了許多與客家有關的影像,其目的已經不只是宣傳、推廣的作用,而是為了讓不瞭解客家的族群或是已經熟悉客家的人們,能夠從中獲得客家文化更真實的感動,改變過去對客家文化的認識與瞭解。因此,客委會逐漸意識到這一點,開始以說故事的手法製作廣告,陸續在2009年製作播出《客家好親近》、2010年《客家好趣味》到2012年的《客家好愛你》,造成觀眾相當大的迴響,也讓客委會瞭解到,透過廣告來說故事,能夠強化消費者心目中對客家文化的品牌印象與好感度。 本研究將以客委會在2009年所播出的《客家好親近》連環故事型廣告、2010年《客家好趣味》片段故事型廣告、2012年《客家好愛你》微電影廣告為研究案例,根據Fog、Budtz與Yakaboylu(2005)所提出的故事「典型四大元素」:訊息(message)、衝突(conflict)、人物(characters)、情節(plot),做為分析架構,探討在故事結構上,客委會如何運用這三部故事型廣告,透過故事行銷,成功推廣客家特色及文化,最後輔以問卷調查法的方式,調查消費者對於這三部故事型廣告的認知、態度、行為,在廣告效果上有無差異性,運用更完整的研究數據來分析故事行銷對於消費者的傳播效果。 本研究針對三部不同類型的故事型廣告進行敘事分析,研究發現片段故事型廣告各篇主題鮮明且情節獨立,透過每篇故事中主角目標與故事主題的相互契合,閱聽眾在觀看的過程裡也能更容易瞭解故事核心;連環故事型廣告故事背景則是以兩個不同文化的家庭為架構出發,中間因為不同文化差異帶來各種有趣故事,也讓閱聽眾體會到故事整體呈現客家親情、家庭和樂、客家與閩南族群彼此相處融洽的氛圍;微電影廣告方面,則著重於祖孫兩人在文化上的衝突及差異,加深大眾對於廣告的印象,在文化衝突上並沒有提供太多線索,整篇影片以祖孫情串連故事核心。 在閱聽眾的效果面上可以發現,三部不同類型的故事型廣告其注意程度,微電影廣告客家好愛你明顯優於其他兩部故事型廣告,且片段故事型廣告客家好趣味又優於連環故事型廣告客家好親近。在廣告態度上,微電影廣告客家好愛你會明顯優於其他兩部故事型廣告,且連環故事型廣告客家好親近又優於片段故事型廣告客家好趣味。在品牌態度上,微電影廣告客家好愛你明顯優於其他兩部故事型廣告,且片段故事型廣告客家好趣味又優於連環故事型廣告客家好親近。


When an advertisement becomes a media to promote Hakka culture, wherein a variety of images related with Hakka are included, the purpose is not only to play full of promotion or publicity, but also to make groups who have no idea about Hakka or individuals who have been familiar with Hakka to be touched by Hakka culture more physically and alter what they had any knowledge and how they interpreted Hakka culture. In view of this, with being alert to this part gradually, Hakka Affairs Council commenced to make advertisements by storytelling that “Close to Hakka” produced and played in 2009, “Funny Hakka” in 2010 and “I love you! Hakka” in 2012 one by one, creating echoes at a considerable degrees from the audience; through this, Hakka Affairs Council also understands that storytelling through advertisement is able to strengthen branding and favorability consumers keep mindful Hakka culture deeply. This study used cycle story-based advertisement titled “Close to Hakka” which was played in 2009, story-based advertisement clips titled “Funny Hakka” played in 2010 and micro-film advertisement titled “I love you! Hakka” in 2012 as the cases. Indicated by “typical four elements” proposed by Fog, Budtz and Yakaboylu (2005): message, conflict, characters and plot are concepts in the study and discussions in the structure of story and how does Hakka Affairs Council deploy these three advertisements and story-based marketing to create promotional success of Hakka specialty and culture, at last, with survey through questionnaires to give rise to cognition, attitude, behavior consumers identify these three advertisements, searching if any difference behind the effects these advertisements might create, and more complete data or figures were used to analyze any spreading effect story-based marketing causes onto consumers. This study had a narrative analysis on these three story-based advertisements in varied types where questionnaire was consolidated in the analysis of dimension of effect such advertisements might create from the viewpoint of the audience; indicated form the findings, among those story-based advertisement clips titled “Funny Hakka”, each has a clear theme with independent plot. Through match between character’s goal and story topic in each of them, the audience also can catch more pictures of core during watching; in the cycle story-based advertisement titled “Close to Hakka”, the background was a framework of two families standing up in different culture and every kind of funny story was brought by such difference one by one, which also urges the audience grasp atmosphere hidden among Hakka family, harmonious family, Hakka and Taiwanese people getting along with each other. For micro-film advertisements, they emphasize “fun” created through cultural conflict and difference occurred to grandparents and grandsons, which strengthens people’s image for the advertisements; it did not give many glues regarding to such cultural conflicts, but, created predictable effects on difference to the public both sides raise from language and food, which connected all successfully. The entire film connected core in the story between grandparents and grandsons. As seen in the effects caused to the audience, for degrees the audience paid attention to these three story-based advertisements in different types, the advertisement expressed by micro-film, “I love you! Hakka”, performed better than the other two ones clearly and story-based advertisement clips, “Funny Hakka”, performed better than cycle story-based advertisement, “Close to Hakka”. For attitudes expressed through advertisement, micro-film one, “I love you! Hakka”, performed better than the other two ones clearly and cycle story-based advertisement, “Close to Hakka” performed better than story-based advertisement clips, “Funny Hakka”. For attitudes of branding, micro-film one micro-film one, “I love you! Hakka”, performed better than the other two ones clearly and story-based advertisement clips, “Funny Hakka”, performed better than cycle story-based advertisement, “Close to Hakka”.


57.蔡琰、臧國仁(2013)。〈大眾傳播研究之敘事取向 - 另一後設理論思路之提議〉。《中華傳播學刊》。23:159-193。


