  • 學位論文


Acer’s business strategy – The period of Lanci’s leadership(2005-2011)

指導教授 : 黃振豊


本文探討 : 蘭奇在宏碁實施的經營策略,他如何轉變經營模式,讓宏碁一路成長獲利,找出當時產業經濟環境的機會,在配合宏碁內部優勢下,運用其成功的經營策略,執行新經銷營運導向模式,這是本文第一個想要探討的問題。其次,分析蘭奇在初期締造宏碁輝煌的記錄,確實讓宏碁公司在世界舞台上展現亮眼的成就,但是何以在2010年後呈現重大經營危機,最後辭職下台,其主要關鍵問題是本文欲探討的第二個研究問題。 對電腦產業分析與個案公司介紹,進行了解產業發展歷程、現況與發展趨勢等外在環境,及公司基本概況與經營成果等內在環境,透過相關次級資料、專家訪談資料,彙整其主要策略與經營模式之內涵。 本文主要探討分成兩個部分,一為瞭解蘭奇執行之經營策略關鍵成功因素:專注品牌行銷、透過併購建立多品牌進入市場、採用訂價策略、經銷商利潤共享,並以財務分析方法,針對個案公司財務狀況做檢視;二為蘭奇策略導致宏碁營運虧損:研發相對不足、獎酬契約規範不足、公司缺之可制衡量治理制度、文化衝突與經營理念不同,引發宏碁三造。   最後提出建議,企業應同時注重行銷及研發、投資應注重分散風險,找尋未來明星產品、重視管理行銷及產品供應鏈之競爭優勢、專業經理人及健全的公司治理與健全的奬酬制度,以避免發生經理人資訊不對稱產生自利行為、企業身處面對競爭激烈的環境,公司要有變革管理能力,以應付多變的環境。


This study probes into Gianfranco Lanci’s business strategy implemented in Acer, and how he changed operational model to result in growth and profits of Acer. He recognized the opportunities of industrial and economic environment at the time and upon internal advantages of Acer, and he adopted the successful business strategy to execute new distribution operation oriented model. This is the first research issue. Then, this paper analyzes the prominent record of Acer created by Gianfranco Lanci at the beginning and he did demonstrate the achievement of Acer on the stage of the world. However, why did he encounter serious operational crisis after 2010 and resign? The key is the second research motive. This study includes two parts: 1) the key success factors of Gianfranco Lanci’s operational strategy: focus on brand marketing, multiple brands in the market by merger and acquisition, pricing strategy and sharing profits with distributors, using financial analysis to examine the financial situation of the case company; 2) the deficit of Acer caused by Gianfranco Lanci’s strategy: insufficient R&D, insufficient rewards, contract and regulation, lack of measurement governance system, cultural conflict and different operational concepts.   Finally, this paper suggests that the enterprise should pay attention to marketing and R&D. In investment, it should concern about the distribution of risk. The enterprise searches for future star products, values management marketing and competitive advantages of product supply chain, have complete corporate governance and reward system upon long-term tracking of operational performance to avoid the managers’ egoistic behavior by asymmetric information. In severely competitive environment, the company should have reform management capacity in order to deal with changeable environment.


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