  • 學位論文


The impact of disaster on customer's interest of travel and travel industry's performance – A case study of 2004 South Asia Tsunami

指導教授 : 黃國隆


重大災難(disaster)之所以對人類生活造成巨大震撼與影響,肇因其「不可預知」特性,及其伴隨而來的破壞力。其影響範圍亦因地球村村民間的密切來往,而突破了地域限制,將原本僅為區域性事件的災難,一變而成為全球皆受影響的國際事件。 本研究以2004年南亞海嘯為研究主題﹔從海嘯成因、造成損害、各國政府因應策略、組織重整等角度切入,以質化研究方式探討重大災難對消費者旅遊意願與旅遊業績效的影響。而研究的成果可以提供相關國家或地區的政府及旅遊業者爾後再有災難來襲時的參考,以期快速且有效地因應,而將可能之損害予以降低。 建議因應措施及注意事項: 1.對公眾的教育,讓社會知曉災難成因、徵兆、因應方式、災害 控管等。並製作因應標準作業守則,定期演練、檢討改進方案。 2.強化資訊來源,暢通對話通路 3.建立應變機制,統一事權 研究收穫: 1.災難發生時,良好、有效的危機管理機制是降低總體損害的不 二法門 2.消費者對本國媒體公信度強烈不信任 3.後勤運送系統Logistic建立 4.結合NGO力量,共同致力救災 5.對未來可能成為重大災難的評估,預警和因應方案 6.「怕鬼」是影響東方旅客旅遊意願的最重要因素


Reasons why disaster brings huge impact and damage to human lives are it’s un-predictability and the destructive power it brings along. The influence is even enlarged and breaks through geological boundaries due to close interactivities among Global Villagers, eventually, an isolated disaster at the first place may ends up as an international incident and becomes into a crisis. Through decoding the mystery of Tsunami’s generation and learn its behavior, researcher is trying to support future comers a profile of tsunami to develop a SOP to minor down possible damage to minimum. Also by learning damage tsunami caused and studying related countries contingency project and their history of organization reconstruction, researcher wishes to provide future a possible solution to deal with, not only just to tsunami, but also to all crisis. Contingent plan and method: 1.Study the history of tsunami to educate the public, allowing public to realize the character of disaster. Prepare contingent plan and implement the drill. 2.Establish information exchange channel to ensure the update information be communed efficiently. 3.Establish Operation Centre to unify and coordinate the rescue and relief work. Research achievement: 1.Establish and implement a well function and efficient contingent plan is the best solution for minor down impact of disaster brings. 2.Consumers are strongly distrust to Taiwan’s media and their information provided. 3.To ensure relief and rescue mission requires a well established logistic system to support. 4.Unify efforts with Non Governmental Organization to efficiently work out rescue and relief mission. 5.Foresee and prepare a contingent plan for future’s disaster. 6.「Fears of Ghost」is the key factor which negatively influences oriental travelers’ decision making on interest of travel.


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