  • 期刊


The Soft Power in Industry:A Study of Exploring The Effect of Brilliant Quotient (BQ) and Work Performance in Travel Industry


近年來觀光旅遊市場備受重視,為能有效地運用人力配置及提昇組織績效,其員工之潛能特性與職場表現,將是旅行業業者所應重新檢視之關鍵要素。本研究旨在探討出類拔萃指數與工作表現之相關性,並以高雄與嘉義地區旅行從業人員作為本研究範圍與對象,研究結果發現:1.出類拔萃指數與工作表現具高度相關性。2.員工之出類拔萃指數與其工作表現具正向預測力。對企業而言,本研究建議旅行社經營管理者於探索員工之潛能發展時,應著重於具軟實力(soft power)與教育訓練(training),以增強員工於職場中之競爭能力,進而提升企業永續經營之效。


As the tourist market has been booming out for years, the entrepreneurs in the travel sectors have been devoted to enhancing talent development and working performance related for employees so that they may enforce the working effectiveness for the organization. Hence, the study namely is aiming at exploring the employees and employers' perception on brilliant quotient (BQ) and work performance at Consolidated travel agencies and A-Class travel agencies in Kaohsiung City and Chia-Yi City; furthermore, the relationship between BQ and work performance would be discussed in this study. The findings are: 1) It is found in this study that BQ is highly correlated to work performance on employees and employers' perceptions. 2) Through multiple-regression analysis, it is found in this study that "Brilliant Quotient (BQ)" could highly influence on work performance. For the suggestions, the researchers are proposing that the entrepreneurs in the travel sectors may utilize soft power development and training programs to motivate self-perception and potential talents for employees and employers in the travel services in order to strengthen the organizational effectiveness.


