  • 學位論文


Multiple Marketing Channel and Repurchase Behavior of Life Insurance Industry

指導教授 : 何佳玲


自2002年11月1日金融控股公司法施行後,政府開放金融控股公司旗下之銀行及保險公司業務可以共同行銷,因銀行保險業務的發展,進而帶動境內跨業經營及交叉行銷理念,開啟多元通路的經營模式。現今產壽險市場皆對多元行銷通路存在強烈之開發與經營意圖,但保險商品之商品具有獨特性,若原來通路之既有顧客擬再次購買,其可能購買之通路選擇為何為本文研究之目的。本研究依據顧客過去的購買經驗,探討顧客忠誠度、顧客滿意度、服務品質與再購意願,對於再購通路選擇的影響,採用問卷調查法,取得有效問卷共1675份。研究結果發現如下: 1.壽險公司:對於顧客忠誠度量表之「向他人推薦該通路人身保險商品」構面、顧客滿意度量表之「產品品質」、「情境因素」構面與服務品質量表之「有形性」構面為顯著正相關。 2.銀行:對於顧客忠誠度、顧客滿意度、服務品質皆不顯著。 3.保險經紀人公司:顧客滿意度量表之「個人因素」和服務品質量表之「可靠性」構面為顯著正相關。 4.保險代理人公司:顧客滿意度量表之「個人因素」和服務品質量表之「可靠性」構面為顯著正相關 5.電話行銷:顧客滿意度量表之「情境因素」構面與服務品質量表之「反應性」構面為顯著正相關。 6.電視購物:顧客忠誠度量表之「購買該通路之其他商品」、顧客滿意度量表之「服務品質」和再購行為量表之「願意推薦他人購買」構面為顯著正相關。 7.網路/APP:當顧客忠誠度量表之「購買該通路之其他商品」構面為顯著正相關。


Since the November 1st, 2002 implementation of Taiwan’s Financial Holding Company Act , the government has opened up joint marketing to Financial Holding Companies between the banking and insurance sectors. Due to this development banking and insurance businesses, cross-industry and cross- marketing schemes have been growth, and also business models such as multi-channel marketing are blossoming. Currently, Taiwan’s life insurance market has shown great promise with ventures interested in developing and multi-channel marketing. However, Taiwan’s insurance products and services have offers a unique style that tailors to the needs of customers. The objective of this study is to investigate what are the possible alternative channels open to existing customers attracted via one current marketing channel if they intend to renew purchases. Analyzing the data from consumers' previous purchasing choices and their experience when doing so, this study determines how important factors such as customer loyalty, customer satisfaction, service quality, patronage choices and renewed purchase intentions impact their choices. Additional data was collected via a survey method using questionnaires that acquired a total of 1675 valid responses. The main findings of this study are as follows. For life insurance companies, there is a significant positive correlation between the dimensions regarding recommendations made to others because of customer loyalty, product quality and situational factors relevant to customer satisfaction, and tangibility of service quality with the results of customer choices regarding channel. For banks, customer loyalties, customer satisfaction, and quality of service do not show a positive correlation and may be deemed as insignificant factors. Regarding insurance brokerages, there is a significant positive correlation between the dimensions for personal factors in customer satisfaction and reliability of service with resultant customer choices, while this is also true in regard to insurance agencies. When it comes to telemarketing ventures, there is a significant positive correlation between the situational factors of customer satisfaction and responsiveness of service with the resultant choices of customers. For television shopping venders, there is a significant positive correlation between customer loyalties expressed through inter-channel product purchasing, the quality of service leading to customer satisfaction, and customers’ willingness to recommend a product or service to others to purchase with renewed purchasing choices. And finally in regard to Internet application marketing, there is a significant positive correlation between customer loyalties expressed through inter-channel product purchasing and the choices made by customers.


