  • 學位論文

解嚴以降 三大報文學獎短篇小說獎之文學意涵研究

A Research of Literary Connotation in the Prizewinning Works of Short Story Award --Based on The Literature Award of China Times、United Daily News & Liberty Times Since 1987.

指導教授 : 張雙英


七○年代,台灣文學在創作與流傳上,有了根本的改變,促成改變的主因,是報紙副刊的崛起。副刊本是正規新聞之外的花絮調劑,然而七○年代的特殊條件,卻讓副刊成為社會上能見度最高、影響力最大的媒體形式。既是孕育台灣文學的沃土,也是重大文學議題的發表論壇。中期以降,《中國時報》與《聯合報》兩大報副刊更成為推動台灣文學發展的重鎮,其所舉辦的文學獎,具有標示文學風潮的作用,尤以小說獎是台灣小說發展與社會變遷之具體指標。 央大中文系教授莊宜文即以分析文學獎運作、歸納得獎小說類型為主題,探究兩報小說獎與小說發展史的關係,其研究年度係從民國六十五年「聯合報小說獎」舉辦為始,八十六年度《時報》舉辦第二十屆、《聯合報》舉辦第十九屆為止,橫跨二十個年頭,綜論文學獎、媒體及文學發展三者間的連帶互動。然近二十年來,社會傳播型態產生劇變,間接造成報業生態,尤其是副刊經營的轉變。本文除回顧歷年文學獎得獎作品與文學生態外,著重於解嚴以降得獎作品的研究與探討,以接續前人研究基礎。 在篇章結構上,本論文首先概述國內重要文學獎,從副刊與臺灣文壇關係到近代文學獎與台灣文壇,再論及文學獎運作方式與評審結構,並以筆者參加地方文學獎時,決委寫給筆者的一封信作為窺知「權力運作」的實例,藉此分析評選結構中的運作與妥協。 三大報舉辦文學獎具有「鼓舞寫作熱情」、「提振文藝閱讀風氣」、「拔擢創作新秀肯定文壇老將」、「凸顯社會議題」、「反映社會變遷」的功能,然細看獎座光環下由媒體、評審、參賽者構成的文學獎生態圈,其實更像個文學競技場,有其光明面與幽暗面,競技文學的同時也在試煉人性,其運作過程不單是不同文學世代在創作理念、文學教養的角力過程,也是評審與評審間權力競現的場域,更是檢視創作者與評審的鏡子,每一年的決審意見、決審紀錄,記錄的正是臺灣現代文學的暗流與趨向,與文學思潮及文學批評的轉向或延續,而報刊媒體隨著政經環境劇變,也歷經「從引領風潮到迎合時代」、「從樹立典範到趨向通俗」的生態調整。 其次,以表格方式完整呈現解嚴以降三大報得獎小說,並在第三、四章中以得獎小說類型分別分析美學意涵及敘述策略,試圖從歷屆作品中歸納整理該類型小說的流變,檢驗作品與社會變遷的呼應關係,包括預現社會風貌的能量、創作技巧與創作內涵的翻新或遞嬗。 近年得獎小說已漸超出二十年來的主流類型,顯現社會價值整體趨向,由單一走向多元,由主流當道走向眾聲喧嘩,在三大報整合媒體資源宣傳介紹下,也可能取代之前的主流形成新的書寫風潮與閱讀風氣,因此末章將詳述小說獎與台灣小說發展,包括小說獎的文學史意義、文學獎運作多年的弊端檢視與文學獎的影響。期望藉此將三大報小說獎及得獎作品作一完整爬梳與整理,以展現解嚴後文學風貌。


Since the 70s, Taiwan literature in the creation with spreading on, had the radical change, the change primary cause, is newspaper supplement rising. The newspaper supplement is originally the attachment outside the news page layout, under the 70s' special environment, let the newspaper supplement turn in the society the visibility to be highest, the influence biggest media. The newspaper supplement of newspaper is breeds Taiwan literature the fertile soil, is also the significant literature subject makes the forum.After the mid-70s, paper supplements in " China Times " and " United Daily News " become the important strategic place that promote the development of literature of Taiwan ,the literature award that two newspaper supplements hold, have function of labelling the literature agitation, and the novel award is concrete target of Taiwan novel development and the social change. Yi-Wen, Chung, the Professor of Chinese Literature Department of National Central University (NCU) analyzed the operation in literature award and summing up the award-winning novel type as the thesis subject, probed into the relation of two newspaper novel awards and novel development history , the research began from 1976 to 1997. (from the Literature award of United Daily News (1976) to the 19th Literature Award of United Daily News(1997) and the 20th Literature Award of China Times (1997), stretches across for 20 years, the discussion interacts of prize in literature, the media and the literature development.Recently for 20 years, the society disseminated the state to have the drastic change, cause the journalism ecology indirectly, especially the transition of management of supplement. Except the review all previous years the award works of literature and literature ecology also will discuss the award works of literature in Taiwan after Declare martial law, before continues, the scholar research is a foundation. The thesis sums up the domestic and main literature award at first, from newspaper supplement and Taiwan literary arena relations to recent years award and Taiwan literary arena. Second, discussion prize in literature operation way and appraisal structure, and participates in time the local award of literature by myself, appraises committee member to write for mine believes as a example to peep knows the authority operation, we analyze in the evaluation structure the operation and the compromise. The Literature Awards of " China Times ", " United Daily News ", and " Liberty Times" have the functions—“the inspiration writing enthusiasm”, “to inspire the literary reading atmosphere”, “to select creates the rising star to affirm the literary arena veteran”, “highlights the social subject”, “the reflection social change”. But rewards under the place corona, by the media, the appraisal, the participant constitutes the prize in literature ecosphere, actually looks like the literature sports arena, has the bright side and the dark side. Athletics literature at the same time, also the smelting trial human nature, the operation process is not only the different literature generation in the creation idea, a literature education test of strength, is also between the appraisal and the appraisal the authority competition domain, is inspects the creator and the appraisal mirror.Each year examines the opinion, to examine the record definitely, has recorded Taiwan modern literature undercurrent and the tendency, the literature ideological trend and the literary criticism changes or the extension, but the newspaper media along with political and the economical environmental trend, also has been through repeatedly “from eagerly anticipates the unrest to cater to the time”, “from the establish pattern is popular to the trend” the ecology adjustment. Second, will present completely by the sheet mode rescinds martial law later the winner’s works of the Literature Awards of " China Times ", " United Daily News ", and " Liberty Times ” In third, fourth chapter, analyzes individually the novel type of the prize esthetics meaning and the narration strategy, try to from all previous years work, induction reorganization type novel's changing, the examination work and the social change echoes the relations, the including pre-present society style energy, the artistic technique and creation connotation renovates the or alternation of changes.Recent years, won a prize the novel already gradually to go out for 20 year mainstream type, the appearance social value whole trend, from sole to the multiplication, clamored from the mainstream authorities to the numerous sounds, in the Literature Awards of " China Times ", " United Daily News ", and " Liberty Times" under conformity media resources propaganda introduction, also the possible substitution former mainstream, to form the new written unrest and the reading atmosphere, last chapter will detail the novel award and Taiwan novel development , including the novel award's history meaning, inspecting it’s drawback , as well as the influence about literature award.By sorting out and makeing up these prizewinning works completely,to represent the style and features of literature after lifting the curfew.




