  • 學位論文


The formation of the identity on bilingual in Chinese and Japanese

指導教授 : 陳伯陶


此論文是以現今多文化社會中日益增多的中日雙母語人士為對象,研究其自我認同之形成。近期相關的研究較多為以生長於日本和歐美文化的雙母語人士為對象,反觀以中華文化和日本文化為生長背景的雙母語人士的研究較少。所以筆者決定以中華文化和日本文化為生長背景的雙母語人士為對象進行其自我認同的研究及探討。   自我認同是表示意識到「自己」為何的概念,這種概念可以用身分證等有形的物體來象徵,而抽象的價值觀、思想及對於文化的認同等也是一種表現的方式。自我認同形成最強的時期是介於14到25歲之間被稱之為「青年期」自我認同的時期,本研究透過對這年齡層的中日雙母語人士進行深度訪談進行研究分析。   Bilingual(雙母語人士)不單單是指能夠自在地運用兩種語言,此外還要包含是否擁有該語言圈的思想或價值觀等趨近於母語人士的資質。Bilingual以學會兩種語言的時期可分成兩大類,其劃分的界線在於與臨界期息息相關的「青春期」。從幼兒時期到青春期以前成為雙母語人士的情況稱為「早期Bilingual」,在青春期以後成為雙母語人士則稱為「後期Bilingual」。另外,「早期Bilingual」又可細分為同時學會兩種語言的「同步Bilingual」和先學會第一語言再學會第二語言的「逐步Bilingual」兩種。   此研究以國籍和主要的居住地,還有他們的雙親的國籍為主軸分成10類進行研究分析,另外也需考量其教育和家庭環境,還有上述成為Bilingual的時期等影響自我認同的種種因素進行分析與探討。


This thesis is about the formation of the identity in bilingual of Chinese and Japanese. There are many researches about the bilinguals who grew up under Japanese and Europe culture, but which grew up under Japanese and Chinese culture is not too much. So, I decided to do research about this type of bilinguals’ formation of identity. He/she can be aware of himself/herself with identity. For example, the ID card is a subject, and values or thinking of culture understanding are abstract ideas about identity. I had interviews with bilinguals whose ages are from 14 to 25, which are the most important time of formation of the identity which is called adolescence. Bilinguals have the same values and the way of thinking as native speakers, as well as speaking two languages perfectly. But dictionary said they can be classified with two kinds; “Early bilingual” and “Late bilingual.” If one is learning two languages at the same time, he/she is called “Simultaneous bilingual”, while called “Sequential bilingual” if he/she is learning a language after the other language. I divide them into 10 types based on factors such as nationality, living environment, and their parents’ nationality. Afterward, educational environment, family background ,and are important elements to their formation of identity.


Identity bilingual second language Nationality adolescence


(日本語)  [50音順]
1.石黒圭(2013)『日本語は「空気」が決める 社会言語学入門』/光文社
