  • 學位論文


Exploring the Key Words Analysis of Using Crowdsourcing to Sponsor Charity Campaign

指導教授 : 黃哲盛


近年來,群眾募資平台逐漸興起,各式的募資專案項目及平台,迅速蓬勃發展,統計從2012年起,臺灣已經有超過一千六百件群眾募資專案,而在國內外不同的平台、或獨立架設網站集資,總共累積的金額約新台幣七億元,台灣光去年在群眾募資金額就逾5億,4年來增長9倍。群眾募資適合用在短期、有明確目標的計畫,設下目標金額和截止日期,要的是快、狠、準的任務型捐款,與一般涓涓細流地長期為慈善公益團體募款大不相同。 本研究採SAS Text Miner進行關鍵詞語分析,探討以群眾募資平台為慈善公益團體之廣告訴求關鍵詞語。


In recent years, the gradual rise of Crowdfunding platform, a variety of fund-raising projects and project platform, rapid and successful development, statistics from 2012, Taiwan has more than sixteen hundred Crowdfunding projects, but different at home and abroad platform, or set up an independent fund-raising Web site, for a total cumulative amount of about NT $ 8.7 billion last year, Taiwan's Crowdfunding amount to more than 500 million, up 9 times in four years. Crowdfunding suitable for use in the short-term, goal-oriented plan, set a target amount and the deadline is to be fast, aggressive, accurate task-based contributions to a trickle and the general long-term charitable organization fundraising Great the same. This study collected SAS Text Miner key words were analyzed to investigate the Exploring the Key Words Analysis of using Crowdsourcing to Sponsor Charity Campaign.


Crowdfunding NPO Key Success Factors SAS Text Miner


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