  • 學位論文


The Study of the Revisionary Mechanism in the Chinese and the American Cataloging Rules

指導教授 : 陳和琴


本研究針對中美編目規則研訂機制進行相關探討。研究對象僅針對《英美編目規則》,《中國編目規則》與《中國文獻編目規則》。探討內容包含中美編目規則的研訂組織沿革、研訂程序、研訂人員與經費、及研訂頻率。本研究採用文獻分析法,輔以訪談與問卷方式以補充相關文獻之不足。 本研究發現,就研訂組織而言,「英美編目規則修訂聯合指導委員會(Joint Steering Committee for the Revision of AACR,JSCAACR)」與「中華民國圖書館學會分類編目委員會」皆屬常設性組織,「中國文獻編目規則編撰小組」則屬任務型組織。在研訂組織演變發展方面,《英美編目規則》的研訂組織變化較多,包含JSCAACR的成立、成員國的相繼加入及其旗下專責研訂單位的更動,《中國編目規則》與《中國文獻編目規則》的研訂組織變化則較為單純。研訂組織的運作則採分工合作方式,包括編輯工作、顧問團體與出版印行等三大部分。在研訂程序方面,中美編目規則皆由編目專家學者負責規則的撰寫與審查。《英美編目規則》分為「國內審查」與「國際審查」二階段,《中國編目規則》與《中國文獻編目規則》都僅為「國內審查」階段。在研訂人員方面,中美編目規則皆出自理論與實務兼具的資深圖書編目學者與專家。研訂經費方面,《英美編目規則》由AACR Fund負責,我國的《中國編目規則》主要由分編委員義務參與,《中國文獻編目規則》則是由參與研訂單位提供資助。研訂頻率方面,《英美編目規則》自2002年起每年定期修訂出版,《中國編目規則》與《中國文獻編目規則》的修訂與出版則無固定性,但持續修訂是中美編目規則研訂組織的共同目標。 藉由文獻分析、調查問卷與訪談結果,提出以下五項建議:1.建議設置「中國編目規則修訂委員會」於國家圖書館之下,以確保研訂編目規則之法源性與權威性;2.「中國編目規則修訂委員會」之成員代表除「分類編目委員會」之外,另與學會其它委員會密切合作,如「公共圖書館委員會」、「專門圖書館委員會」、「大學院校圖書館委員會」與「自動化與網路委員會」等。此外,亦可與中華圖書資訊學教育學會合作,以供諮詢或收集意見;3.調整人員編制與經費編列,由專人專職主持研訂工作,研訂經費來源穩定;4.擬訂《中國編目規則》研訂政策與發展目標;5.建立隨時接受修訂建議之機制。編目規則的研訂是持續性的工作,若在常設性的組織編制下,藉由專業人員與充裕穩定的研訂經費,才較能得以確保研訂編目規則的永續經營與發展。


The thesis discusses the revisionary mechanism in the Chinese and the American cataloging rules, including the development of revisionary committees, the revisionary process, the revisers, the emendatory budgets, and the revising frequency. In this thesis, the issues of the revisionary mechanism in the Chinese and the American cataloging rules are explored through literature review. Besides, visiting and questionnaire studies were conducted the CCR revisers to find out how the revisionary committee works and the difficulties they come through. Findings in this research are:(1) In revisionary committees, JSCAACR is an international committee, which owns numerous members, stable budgets and revisers. (2) In the modification of revisionary committees, JSCAACR is much more changeable than the Chinese revisionary committees. However, these committees all use division of labor to revise the cataloging rules. (3)In revisionary process, JSCAACR uses “national review” and “international review” to inspect the AACR2 proposals from all over the world. The Chinese revisionary committees are only through “national review”.(4) In the revising frequency, stable revision is the most obvious characteristics. By means of literature review, visiting and questionnaire studies, there are 5 suggestions listed as followed: (1) Set up the Committee of Revising CCR under the National Central Library.(2) In order to compile more advices and suggestions on CCR, the Committee of Revising CCR should work closely with other related committees in Library Association of the Republic of China, such as the Committee of Public Libraries, the Committee of Special Libraries and the Committee of Academic Libraries.(3) The framing of the CCR revisers and the budgets should be stable.(4) Set up a revisionary mechanism to accept the revising proposals at any moment.


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American Library Association, Anglo-American cataloguing rules. 2nd ed. Chicago : American Library Association, 1978.
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Carpenter, Michael and Elaine, ed. Foundations of cataloging : a sourcebook .Littleton, Colo. : Libraries Unlimited, 1985.
