  • 學位論文


A Study on the Fundamental Law of Japan Education-Concurrently disscussing the Right to Learn of the Nation

指導教授 : 許慶雄


日本教育基本法於1947年3月31日公布並且實施,是日本最初的基本法。日本教育基本法顛覆日本舊天皇制以國家主義與軍國主義為教育目的之教學體制,提倡以培養每個人獨立自主的「健全人格」為目標的教育之個人主義,以及揭櫫教育目的乃在於培育能夠建設以新憲法理念之具備和平.民主.文化的國家之主權者,即國民的主權者教育。 除此之外,日本教育基本法承襲日本國憲法保障之受教育權以及義務教育的免費制度,同時明示教育的機會均等原則,並且因學校教育法等等相關法律的制定,而確立實施六、三學制、義務教育的擴大等等新的學校制度,因此,日本教育基本法對於日本戰後的教育運動、教育實踐的發展,負有劃時代的意義。 然而,日本教育基本法自制定以來,修正聲浪未曾停歇。五五年體制的第一年,擔任將憲法修正視為自民黨的重要黨務之鳩山一郎內閣期間的清瀨文部大臣首度公開表示必須修正教育基本法。在此階段,與其說是修正教育基本法,毋寧說是採取補強教育基本法不足之處。所謂「不足之處」乃是指,教育基本法雖然多所論及國家及社會理想狀態,但是,對於其成員-國民則較少檢討。再來是進入1980年代以後,前中曾根首相提出戰後政治總決算口號,在教育方面主張包含修正教育基本法之教育改革方向。原則上,在此階段採取的立場是不改變教育基本法條文,而是採用內閣得進行條文解釋之形式。2000年3月,直屬內閣的私人諮詢機關「教育改革國民會議」成立,至此,日本教育基本法修正論的議題正式浮上檯面。直至2006年的今日,日本教育基本法的修正議題依舊在進行,今後,其修正動向值得注意。 教育改革國民會議的教育基本法修正方向有三,其一為,考量時代的變化培育適應新時代的日本人;其二為,尊重並發展應傳承給下一代的傳統與文化;其三為,必須制定規定教育相關具體政策的教育振興基本計畫,其中並未見到因應時代變化,更應加強尊重人權之觀點。此外,為保障兒童的成長、發展所必須的學習權利-即學習權之觀點也未提及等等諸項問題,對於贊成修正教育基本法的支持者來說,是應當深思的課題。


The Fundamental Law of Japan Education, in 1947 March in Japan it was promulgated was enforced as first fundamental law. The Fundamental Law of Japan Education received the Right to Education and the compulsory education which receive the education of the Constitution of Japan, stated clearly the equal principle of the education opportunity. The Fundamental Law of Japan Education, had epoch-making meaning in the Japanese postwar education motion and development of educational practice. But, since the Fundamental Law of Japan Education being enacted, you could do amendment discussion intermittently. Even now, when "educational reform national meeting" in 2000 March as a private advisory organ of the Cabinet is started, with that, also tone of the Japanese Fundamentals of Education Law amendment theory furthermore increased. As for the Fundamental Law of Japan Education amendment discussion, still having kept doing, as for the future amendment movement it is observed even to 2006 how it has become. As a point of view of the Fundamental Law of Japan Education amendment of educational reform national meeting, change of first, age was considered new age viewpoint of rearing the Japanese who lives. Second, tradition. Viewpoint of respect and development of those which it should succeed in the next generation such as culture, stipulated necessity of the education promotion general plan decision which the concrete plan regarding . Third, education is accumulated is listed. As for point of view of the human rights where recognition has become deep in change of age it is not included here. Furthermore, either the point of view that is not seen the specific right to study the study which is necessary for growing and advancement the child, namely, the Right to Learn. You think deeply, for the people to whom this requests the Fundamental Law of Japan Education amendment, it is the topic which it should do


有本章、山本真一(2003)『大学改革の現在=University reform today』第1版、東京:東信堂。
大田堯(1994)『私と家永教科書裁判 教育への権利を問いつづけて』第1版、東京:一ツ橋書房。


