  • 學位論文

容積移轉(TDR)作為歷史保存手段的神話(Myth)建構 -大稻埕歷史風貌街區為借鏡

The Myth of Historic Preservation : A Study on the TDR Mechanism for Da-Dao-Cheng Historical District

指導教授 : 米復國


摘 要 本文思考的是:大稻埕歷史風貌街區計畫中的容積移轉制度(TDR)作為「啟動」歷史保存的社會動力及其背後的本質為何?於此社會生產與操作實踐過程之中釐清國家機器如何進行想像與實質干預、都市經理人(Urban Managers)如何中介運動、資本主義制度如何進行作用,彼此之間的拉扯關係為何?就在這樣的歷史進程,給了我們什麼樣的反省? 店屋作為資本主義城市的消費,一開始就是個詛咒!本文透過大稻埕歷史性店屋建築的保存過程,作為理解目前臺灣的歷史保存工作是否真的可以邁向烏托邦?!還是歷史保存已成為商品拜物教們的瑰麗外衣,進而遮蔽其中的社會生產關係;工具制度的異化甚至被建構為仙丹妙藥的神話(Myth)。本文一方面整理大稻埕歷史保存的真實狀況;另一方面,則試圖經由國家機器-大稻埕保存現場-資本主義制度的動態關係之中,分析都市經理人(Urban Managers)的中介運動與社會生產中起了何種關鍵職能? 於是,對於整個大稻埕歷史保存工作,作者梳理出以下五條的思考小徑: 一.大稻埕歷史性店屋建築保存本質是國家機器干預與空間商品化過程中「社會關係」的再生產:歷史保存=社區保存=人文主義實踐。 二. 大稻埕歷史性店屋建築作為都市經理人(urban managers)之間利益與價值衝突的實質場域:1.屋主2.學者、專家的監督3.建築師、營造廠4.掮客。 三. 腐蝕 !! 容積移轉制度(TDR)異化危機正逐漸腐蝕大稻埕歷史店屋建築群的歷史保存意志:成也TDR,敗也TDR ! 四. 認識論層次:歷史保存可作為資本主義城市的清醒劑、人文主義與歷史經驗的回歸;但是,不得不承認,空間商品化確實是現階段作為歷史保存手段的必要之惡! 五.「怨」作為歷史保存的動力本質,其基礎是以資本主義體制的矛盾與異化現象所發動、萌生發芽;因此,這種資本社會結構也必然會積聚強烈的怨念! 最後,作者試圖回答:國家機器所置入的容積移轉制度(TDR)於資本主義社會中,究竟是否真達到歷史保存最終目的,還是儼然已成為新的空間商品?!因此,作者必須揭開已被遮蔽的生產關係;也不得不承認,空間的商品化確實是目前對於保存工作推動上最有成效的方法,亦是作為歷史保存手段的必要之惡!但是,認識論的層次上,仍必須注意商品的二重性所帶來的異化現象,以防反過來腐蝕既有傳統的空間文化形式


Abstract The paper examined the force and essentiality of historic preservation with TDR mechanism in Da-Dao-Cheng historical district, and discussed the transformation of physical forms and the different urban managers’ practice of design-process in the projects of the city-state . The author try to connect theories of historic preservation with the context of Taiwan , and re-theorize the process of social replacement and transformation of space by analyzing the dynamic relationship of historic preservation ,city-state, and capitalism. Through studies about historic preservation of the project with TDR mechanism of the city-state , the spatial and social process which some professionals or agents practice in build forms , users and their usage of some specific dwelling units ,the paper proposed to analyze not only how these architecture types transformed themselves in physical forms under the expansion of capitalism ,but also ,diachronically , why and how some cultural forms of space been attached definite social meaning through respective social process and reproduction .The authors’ argument is that the myth of TDR mechanism for historic preservation in urban is the unawareness of the complex relationships among city-state , urban managers ,and capitalism . The paper statement is that the becoming , development and transformation of the houses were the outcomes of space commodification . Penetrating by logics of capitalism ,the city-state’s urban proposed not only to facilitate and justify architecture types of real estate housing projects through modern infrastructures well equipping , but also to induce historic preservation structurally . The latter especially help to release the pressure of spatial occupancy competition within urban boundaries and consequently guided the disposition of capital outwards. In conclusion , there are fine points of analysis in this paper :1.The essentiality of historic preservation in Da-Dao-Cheng historical district is the reproduction of social relation in the process of city-state intervention and space commodification: Historic preservation is community preservation , is humanism in practice .2. The field of historic preservation in Da-Dao-Cheng historical district is the struggle against urban managers : Owners , Profession , Scholar , Speculators ,Architects , and Brokers . 3.Corroding ! TDR mechanism is a crisis of alteration which is corroding the purpose of historic preservation in Da-Dao-Cheng historical district 4.Epistenmology: Historic preservation is conscious of the general crisis of capitalism , is humanism in practice , is to return from the experience of historic significance , and it is so sorry about reality that space commodification is the advantage of historic preservation in Da-Dao-Cheng historical district right now .5. ,the author’s opinion is that“ resentment ”really is the force and essentiality of historic preservation in capitalist society . The author’s main argument is that the relation of production of historic preservation with TDR mechanism in Da-Dao-Cheng historical district is still covered . The author believes that city was the field represented class struggles and their values conflicted . Dwelling modes of living within houses emerged as the outcomes of commodification process of spaces institutionalized by dominant class and state intervention . For the sake to grasp real easte interests , city- state gave houses in Da-Dao-Cheng historical district definite social meaning institutionally . Form this paper the houses in Da-Dao-Cheng historical district witnessed to be not the commodity or the physical existence for dwelling , but the objects constructed by comdified floating social relationship , produced by capitalist society . Finally , the author still warned everyone against the crisis of the duality of goods ,and was in order to prevent the cultural form of space with historic preservation in Da-Dao-Cheng historical district against corroding




