  • 學位論文


The Study of Japanese Enterprises’Outsourcing Strategy in the 1990s:Its Impact on Human Resource Management

指導教授 : 任燿廷


在全球化與IT化的影響之下,資本、資訊、技術、人才、財貨與勞務的自由流動之間,國與國之間已無實質的疆界,全球儼然成為一個大市場,企業面對來自世界各地的競爭者,除了不斷的創新技術,在短時間內獲取資源,即時生產等外在不確定因素的影響下,企業改革的速度備受考驗。隨著外在經濟環境改變,曾被譽為日本型經營的三種神器之一的「終身雇用制」,正在發生著根本的轉變。為了配合企業經營策略的改變,人力資源管理的策略也在開始轉變,即從過去長期儲備型轉向短期流動型的管理策略。委外(Outsourcing)就是在這種外在經濟環境變化的背景下,而逐漸興起並備受矚目。   本論文主要是引用花田光世的委外理論,探討日本企業委外策略對人力資源管理的影響,並分別整理有關日本企業及全球委外的發展及現況。   本論文由六個章節所形成。第一章為緒論。探討研究動機、問題與目的、方法、流程及論文架構。第二章則為文獻探討。以國內外的委外、競爭策略及核心競爭力等方面的定義加以統整。第三章則探討日本人力資源管理的變化。第四章則探討1990年代日本企業委外經營策略的發展與全球委外的發展趨勢。第五章以委外實例探究委外對日本企業人力資源管理的影響。第六章則為結論與建議。   本論文之研究發現日本人力資源管理策略因委外增加而隨之轉變,即從過去僵化的管理策略轉向靈活性的管理策略。日本現階段已有六成左右的企業開始活用委外,而委外服務的種類也愈多樣化。另外,在經濟復甦後,企業經歷景氣衰退的痛苦,已學會如何精簡瘦身的企業們,當景氣恢復帶動市場成長後,相信日本企業並不會如同以往般任意增加僱用,多數工作仍會以委外方式進行。


Under the influence of globalization, the development of information and communication technologies and the circulation of capital, information, technology, human resource, capital goods and labor services, there is no essential boundary between nations; the whole world seems to become a big market. Enterprises can only survive under the surge of this severe world competition from innovating technique continuously, gaining resources in the short-time, and responding market speedily, the speed of enterprises’innovation is crucial in this transformation. Within the changing external environments, “lifetime employment” system, which has been characterized as one of the “Japanese Management”, is facing a radical challenge to accommodate the speedy change of enterprise management strategy. Human resource management strategy has been changed accordingly, from long-term reserved to short-term ambulant strategy. Outsourcing is blooming and getting high-profile in this changing. Excerpting from HANADA MITSUYO’s outsourcing theory, this study probes how the Japanese changing outsourcing strategies influence enterprises’ human resource management within 1990s. The development and current situation of the outsourcing strategies of Japanese and global enterprises have also been investigated. This study finds that the human resource management strategies of Japanese enterprises has changed due to increasing outsourcing and has become flexible from the past decade. Now, almost 60% of Japanese enterprises start to outsource, and the outsourcing services become diversely. These changes of Japanese enterprises’ human resource management strategies will not just a temporal response to the economic decay, it is believed that lessons from restructuring will make Japanese enterprises keeping on this strategy roadmap and most of the jobs will still be outsourced after the economic recovery.


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