  • 學位論文


A Study on the Policy Implementation of 〝Happiness Safeguarding Station〞in New Taipei City

指導教授 : 陳志瑋




In January, 2013, the New Taipei City Government initiated a project, Happiness-Safeguarding Station, and started to cooperate with the four main convenience-store enterprises, implementation has been three years. By central planning, companies join with the community to create local implementation of the cooperation model. The city government has been working with approximate 2000 convenient chain stores to find out more families t high risk and thus to give them the ongoing help and concern. As soon as this project came out, it has received a lot of attention from all walks of life. In qualitative analysis as the main method of research methods, through the construction of literature analysis theory and policy definitions networks, and make interviews outline the use of in-depth interview interviews network stakeholders do in-depth interview study. The main purpose of the study is to discuss the implementation process and operation about Station of Happiness Safeguarding in New Taipei city. It reviews the data of Happiness Safeguarding Station, including the definitions, principles, expectations, enrolment statistics, and expenses. This thesis utilizes concept of the policy network to be the framework of analysis, so that the relevant policy actors can be included , and their interaction can be observed and discussed. This research tries to answer questions as follows:(1) What factors affect the operation of the policy network? (2) What are the difficulties faced during the implementation of Happiness Safeguarding Station? (3)What will the Happiness Safeguarding Station be in the future? The main findings of this research reveals the following results:(1)Innovation is not necessarily an invention. It can be the links of more current policies. (2) The complete complex integrity of networks consists of the networks from different levels. (3)The effect of cooperative management in the individual organization will be seen in multiplicative effect not in the additive effect. Therefore, the Government with civil relations of network satisfaction needs sustained communication and interaction; Network members should maintain frequent communication and contacts, in order to establish a good and stable cooperation.


劉皓仁、陳芙萱(2013)。城市治理的疆界跨越-以「幸福保衛站」政策的創新概念 為例。
