  • 學位論文


The research on Taiwan's Banking Industries in The Development of Management Strategy into Mainland China

指導教授 : 鮑世亨


隨著中國大陸經濟崛起,兩岸金融政策之開放,由於國內製造業紛紛赴海外發展,加上國內內需不足,使得銀行業面臨放貸無門的窘境,台灣的銀行業在經營上日感困難。但也促使臺灣銀行業面臨全新之局勢,並開拓了新的發展契機。但因兩岸隔絕多年,無論是在文化、經濟及金融發展上皆有明顯不同之處,造成兩岸文化交流上的重大阻礙,而兩岸於2001年底及2002年初,先後加入世界貿易組織(WTO)。因兩岸經濟結構的差異,以及兩岸加入WTO之基本條件不同。大陸在加入WTO之後,分階段陸續對外開放銀行業,中國銀行業監督管理委員會(簡稱銀監會)於2003年4月掛牌成立後,更將開放重點聚焦在(1)進一步擴大外資銀行經營業務的範圍和領域,(2)推動外資銀行加強與中資銀行業務與股權的合作。另在金融相關體制及法令上也積極調整轉變,以因應世界潮流並蓄勢待發以迎接國外競爭對手。大陸更在2006年12月推出新版的<外資銀行管理條例>,將外商銀行在中國地區經營人民幣業務的限制完全解除,台資銀行前進中國大陸的思考與行動乃應運而生。而台灣與大陸於2009年11月16日簽署金融監理備忘錄(MOU),兩岸金融監理交流正式開始,嗣後更於2010年6月29日簽署兩岸經濟合作架構協議(ECFA),台灣銀行業可望以此為進入大陸市場的規範,為了解中國金融市場現況及台灣銀行業於大陸發展金融業務之策略,本研究以文獻探討及整理,針對臺灣銀行業進入大陸市場的經營發展策略進行探討。首先就台灣銀行業之發展歷史、現況、經營績效及目前在台灣本地所遭遇到的問題進行討論,再將之與大陸當地之金融制度及法令相互比較,最後將全球之外資銀行於大陸地區之相關發展加入討論,透過相互之交流,以作為銀行業經營之參考。 透過研究發現,台灣銀行業進入大陸市場的經營發展策略方式現階段仍應以增設分支行及子行為策略主軸,未來可考慮與中資銀行或境內外商銀進行策略聯盟或業務合作;亦可考慮合資或參股,尚未設立辦事處的銀行,應尋求大陸當地金融業合作,創造兩岸金流,並積極蒐集商情,為未來前往設點做準備,另大陸外匯存底,高居世界第一,並已超過日本僅次美國成為世界第二大的經濟體,未來內需市場及大陸人民理財商機不容忽視。 銀行初期可尋求台灣往來之既有台商為大陸往來商機,最終仍要在地化,分享大陸經濟成長所帶來的財富管理商機。


As mainland Chinese economy rises and the Cross-Strait financial policies open, Taiwan’s banking industries are faced with increasing difficulty in operation due to a large number of domestic manufacturers investing overseas plus the shortage in domestic demand that leads to the predicament of zero loans. Nonetheless, Taiwan’s banking industries are forced to confront with the new market and expand new opportunities for development. Moreover, Taiwan and mainland China have been separated for years, while the culture, economies and financing have developed with distinctive differences which lead to major barriers in the Cross-Strait cultural exchange. The Cross-Straits also joined the WTO in 2001 and 2002. Nevertheless, due to the difference in Cross-Strait economic structure and the essential criteria that put the Cross-Straits into WTO, mainland China has already opened the banking industries through different phases after joining the WTO. Upon successful public listing in April, 2003, the China Banking Regulatory Commission (short for CBRC) has focused more on the opening for (1) further expansion of the scope and domain for the business management of foreign banks. (2) Promoting the strengthening of cooperation between foreign banks and the Chinese-capital banking business. Additionally, mainland China seeks for aggressive transformation in financial related systems and decrees, thereby to cope with world trends and wait for the confrontation with foreign competitors. China also promulgated the new version of “Regulations on the Administration of Foreign-funded Banks of the People's Republic of China” in December, 2006, which completely lifted the constraints on foreign banks operating RMB businesses in China area. As a result, the concepts and actions of Taiwanese banks accessing mainland China then evolve. Taiwan and mainland China have signed the Financial Supervision MOU on November 16th, 2009 to officially launch the Cross-Strait Financial Supervision exchange. Later, Taiwan even signed the Cross-Strait Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) with China on June 29th, 2010, which Taiwan’s banking industries look forward to apply as regulations to access the mainland Chinese market. To understand the overview of Chinese financial market and the strategies used by Taiwan’s banking industries in the development of financial businesses in China, the study employs literature review and organization to analyze the management development and strategies for Taiwan’s banking industries to access mainland Chinese market. First, the study discusses over the development of Taiwan’s banking industries, overview, business performance and issues currently encountered in local Taiwan. The study then compares the financial systems and decrees between Taiwan and China, to finally add the relevant development of foreign banks worldwide in mainland China through mutual exchange for use as reference by the management of banking industries. The study findings show that Taiwan’s banking industries still employ branches and subsidiaries as main strategy as the management strategies to access the mainland Chinese market. It is suggested that Taiwan’s banking industries could cooperate with Chinese banks or foreign banks in China through strategic alliance or business. In addition, joint venture or equity participation could be taken into consideration for banks that have not set up offices yet. Such banks should seek for cooperation with the local financial businesses in China to create Cross-Strait money flow while taking aggressive measures in business intelligence collection, in order to prepare for office setup in the future. Moreover, the foreign reserve of China is currently the highest worldwide while surpassing Japan and is second to the United States to become the world’ second largest economy. The future domestic market and financing opportunities with mainland Chinese people should not be overlooked. Initially, the banks could seek for working with Taiwanese companies traveling between Taiwan and China as the business opportunities. Nonetheless, localization will eventually be required for the banking industries to share the potential opportunities of financial management brought by the growth of Chinese economy.


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