  • 學位論文


Research of Residence Satisfaction Based on Hierarchy of Needs Theory of Urban renewal Renovation and Conservation in Taipei

指導教授 : 宋立垚


臺北市發展至今,超過七成為二十年以上之老舊建築,推動都市更新已成為環境品質改善及再生的重要手段之一。臺灣現行的都市計畫更新法規對於處理方式包括「重建」、「整建」及「維護」等三種方式,目前從中央或地方現階段已完成之「都市更新」案件類型看來,主要係以「拆除重建」之實施方式佔多數,但究其更新意旨精神,整建維護既然是改善整體環境,應當不僅止於硬體設施之修復和管理,更應強調對整體環境品質之改善,以及整建維護後之更新滿意度。聯合國人居議程第一章即提出以下宣示:「改善人類居住質與量是最基本的需要,因為它深刻地影響各國人民的生活及幸福。」。由次可見人們對於居住環境的要求不僅只於空間與設施上對量的追求,而是更講究質的提升。根據馬斯洛(Abraham Harold Maslow)的需求層級理論,住戶在滿足遮風避雨的基本需求後,會進而追求更高品質的生活。本研究主要探討整建維護後居民的居住滿意度。以馬斯洛需求層次理論為基礎,探索需求層次理論、居住滿意度、居住品質與整建維護間之關係,經由文獻彙整影響居住滿意度的因素,並沿用需求層次理論的三個層級的分類:低層需求、中層需求及高層需求,以歸納出相關因素。居住滿意度不僅是個人生活的一個重要因子,也是人們對居住環境的一種回應方式,因此本研究透過量化衡量居住滿意度的相關因素,進行實證分析。希冀以此作為未來公部門等相關整建維護決策者,在政策推動與實行上的依據。


Taipei City now, more than seven over 20 years old building, and promote urban renewal has become an important means of improvement of the quality of the environment and regeneration. Taiwan's current urban planning rules and regulations to approach, including the "reconstruction" and "renovation" and "Maintenance" in three ways, from the central or local at this stage has been completed the types of cases it seems the "urban renewal", mainly to demolition and reconstruction of the implementation of the majority, but their updates intention of spirit, renovation maintenance is to improve the overall environment, should not only limited to the restoration and management of hardware facilities, should be emphasized to improve the overall quality of the environment, as well as the entire updated after construction to maintain satisfaction. UN-HABITAT Habitat Agenda first asked the following declaration: " We recognize the imperative need to improve the quality of human settlements, which profoundly affects the daily lives and well-being of our peoples." By the second visible demand for the living environment not only on the amount of space and facilities to pursue, but pay attention to qualitative improvement. According to the hierarchy of needs theory of Maslow (Abraham Harold Maslow 's), households in meet the basic needs of shelter, and then the pursuit of a higher quality of life. This study focused on the Renovation and Conservation residents' living satisfaction. Explore the hierarchy of needs Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, residential satisfaction, quality of residence and renovation to maintain the relationship between literature compiled the factors that impact on the living satisfaction, and follow the three-level classification of the hierarchy of needs theory : lower demand for mid-level demand and high-level requirements, to incorporate the relevant factors. Residential satisfaction is not only an important factor in personal life, is also a response to the living environment, so this research through quantitative measure of residential satisfaction, an empirical analysis. Hoping to maintenance decision-makers as the public sector and other related renovation policies to promote and implement on the basis.


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