  • 學位論文


Probe into Challenges and Strategies that Affect Renewable Energy Application of Taiwan Buildings at Present

指導教授 : 王聰榮




This research proposes to analyze the influences of the important factors affecting renewable energy application in construction in Taiwan and to obtain measurements for the array values and the grind countermeasures. The research gathers the influencing factors in renewable energy application of buildings at present through a relational document review and summarizes, analyze, and synthesize the data to construct an evaluation system and a framework for levels of implementation. In particular, the author wishes to examine the 'three item to dimension' with the 'nine item to construct surface' together with the 'forty-five item assessment factor.' Using a Fuzzy Delphi (FDM) expert questionnaire administered to industry workers, government officers, researchers, and academic participants the method will seek out and examine policy-making and obtain expert feedback on the important 'three items to scale,' 'seven items to construct surface,' and 'twenty-seven item assessment factors' to achieve a common understanding. Then, using the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchical Process (FAHP) expert questionnaire again, the method will obtain the weight of every influencing factor and determine a priority array value. Through studying the important challenges and obstructions that the renewable energy application of buildings scale when attempting to be the primary energy source now, important influencing factors should appear that will reflect the Taiwan building’s renewable energy applications, showing an urgent problem that needs solving now. Finally, with the feedback and discussion of the case study of the Bei-Tou Branch of the Public Library of Taipei, establish the rationality, feasibility and objectivity of the whole evaluation system framework in view of research findings. The research results show that the degree of influence is up to 67.96%, among them cannot be control the factor and change one (such as the government's policy of support, etc.) The degree influenced accounts for 25.76%, and the controllable planning and design factor changes become items such as the optimization is set up, etc. Influence degree accounts for 42.20%. Show that the government policy still improves with popularizing and applying. In addition, professionals in architecture should strengthen the planning, design, and application of the whole building and renewable energy even more, in order to reduce influence degree. Through the result of this study, with three items to dimension to propose the strategies as follows: Economic Development Dimension: 1.Research and develop the systematic technology of the equipment and reduce the cost; 2.Set up the regulation systems for relevant renewable energy and governments to support; 3.Integrates with the order, and purchase the electric method; 4.Offer the economic inducement; 5.Research and develop technology for quantity and transfer. The Energy Is Used Dimension: 1.Optimize the equipment system of renewable energy and set up; 2.Strengthen and make relevant renewable energy technologies and strategies of research and product development; and 3.Research and develop the Solar Photovoltaic systematic technology in order to improve the whole systematic value and benefits. Environmental Protection Dimension: 1.Strengthen, demonstrate, popularize, and reach the educational goal of renewable energy; 2.Set up the renewable energy database and mechanism of maintenance management; 3.Drive the renewable energy industry to develop and channel in order to build and sustain the energy environment further; 4.Legislate regulations and degree of promoting the development of relevant renewable energy. Synthesize the above. After this research, conduct relevant alternate analysis, and suggest five items for follow-up study.


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