  • 學位論文


A Design Method Based on Product Analysis and Blending Theory

指導教授 : 王鴻祥


本研究將SWOT分析改變成為探討對於產品的功能、造形和使用性的SWIP,並分成產品本身和使用者感知兩個部分,而且以量化的方式,來證明蒐集的產品中,哪項產品比較適合做為創作設計的參考目標並整理出設計方針;再透過聯想法、關聯法和認知心理學進行思考,並得知結果與參考目標相似的事物之後,再進行混成理論,將參考目標與相似的事物做隱喻,並將得知結果與設計方針作為設計創作時的參考要素,讓設計發想時可以更順利的進行。 創作案例中三種產品中利用到混成理論中的鏡像型、單域型和雙域型,每一種方式都有不同的過程和意義;創作一是輪作延長線,所使用的是鏡像型,因為所有的特徵結構都一樣,讓使用者較容易與隱喻的產品做聯想。創作二是使用單域型,主要採用給皂機的結構,並藉由概念建築的元素彼此映射,設計出具有高貴感的給皂機。創作三是吉他架,藉由雙域型的概念推論出外觀造型與機構的隱喻,此類型是將兩者不同的結構混成出全新的結構,因此是最具創新性的方法。


結構映射 混成理論 相似性 隱喻


This study will change the SWOT analysis to become the SWIP that explore the product's features and usage, and be divided into two parts: the product itself and the user perception. And applying quantitative research to prove that the products collected which product is more suitable as the reference target of the creative design, then sort out the design criteria. And think by association method, relational method and cognitive psychology, then learned the similar things of results with the reference target. And then applying the blending theory, reference to the target and similar things to do metaphor, and will know the results and design criteria as a reference in the elements of creative design, let the process utilized more smoothly. Creative design case applying the blending theory of the mirror, single-scope and double-scope, each method has a different process and meaning. For example, extension core reel in the first case, it is applying the blending theory of mirror type, because all features are the same of the structure, allowing users to connect more easily with metaphors of product. The dispenser in the second case is applying the single-scope, mainly to the structure of the soap dispenser, and mapping each element by the concept of building and design with the nobility sense of the soap dispenser. The guitar stand in the third case is applying the double-scope, and do metaphor with appearance and mechanism, this type is blending the new structure by the two different structures, so it is the most innovative ways.


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