  • 學位論文


A Study on Electronic Word-of-Mouth Management-Cases of Driving Recording Vendors

指導教授 : 蔡瑤昇 吳國棟


現今網路蓬勃發展之際,網路購物者越來越習慣主動搜尋商品資訊、發表商品心得。資策會調查顯示,有八成網友在購物前會先上網瀏覽商品評價,七成以上的網友會受到部落格評價或評比影響購物意願。這證明了網路口碑深深影響消費者的購物行為,身為企業經營者,不可不重視這股力量。對於行車記錄器企業來說,所販售之產品屬於技術性與經驗性商品,消費者無法透過實體店面進行試用的情況下,則需要依賴網路口碑了解產品資訊與效果。消費者網路口碑的來源,則是透過國內社群網站Mobile 01、Facebook、公司官網皆以使用心得為討論主題,消費者藉由這些資訊管道了解產品並決定產品之購買性。觀察到國內公司官網平台設計有使用心得分享訊息,顯示大部分企業普遍認為在網路上置放使用心得分享將對產品銷售有所助益。因此本研究目的在於了解企業如何進行網路口碑管理活動以及企業管理網路口碑重視哪一種管理類型。以網路口碑管理的四種類型與三家企業進行深度訪談,針對全球行車紀錄器與導航機領導廠商是台灣國際航電、(Garmin)、國內行車紀錄器領導廠商研勤科技(PaPaGo),正積極拓展自有品牌中小企業國創科技 (ViewRec)。藉由這三家不同規模的公司進行分析訪談,過程中針對不同規模的公司在網路口碑管理中的觀察者類型、管理者類型、介入者類型、參與者類型進行分析研究,最後從這三家公司的分析研究的中推導出結論與建議。本研究獲得以下主要結論: 一、 大型企業因品牌知名度因素,在網路口碑管理較著重在觀察者類型與管理者類型。 二、 中小型企業努力塑造品牌知名度,在網路口碑管理較著重在介入者類型。 三、 為了增進消費者對品牌認同,企業重視促進時勢與消費者的共同參與類型。 四、 品牌已具知名度的廠商,適合觀察者類型與管理者類型。 五、 正拓展品牌知名度廠商,適合介入者類型。


Currently internet is rising development, online shoppers are more used to search product information before purchasing and share their comments after shopping. The MIC survey indicates that over 70% of online shoppers will explore the comments of others before purchasing and be affected. This shows that online Word-of Mouth has a great influence on customers purchasing decision and worthy watching. For driving recording enterprise were to sold the products depend on technical and experience. Consumer could not be trial before purchasing which is depend on Word of Mouth to get a performance of products information. The consumer get products information from online website as like as Mobile01、Facebook、company website. Consumer get products information decide purchasing through online website. We dig out company there is a user sharing platform at company website. The mostly enterprise think that put on the sharing platform is better for selling products. Therefore we study to get understanding the enterprise how to do process on electronic word-of-mouth management and which one management type is enterprise attached importance to word of mouth management. The study aims to investigate the following question:1. How to do enterprise online word of mouth management activity?2. What’s part of online word of mouth management for enterprise? Through interviewed three the driving recording enterprise in Taiwan and applied secondary data analysis, the preliminary research findings including:1. The large Enterprise would like to get a brand name reason that focus on observer type and moderator type by online word of mouth management. 2. The middle enterprise strive to build up brand name that focus on mediator type by online word of mouth management. 3. The enterprise is attached importance to the participant type with consumer to join foster the current situation due to build up the brand name identification from consumer. 4. The brand name is one of the world’s the best-know that focus on observer type and moderator type is better. 5. The enterprise is constructive strive to build up brand name that should be focus on mediator type.


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