  • 學位論文


A New Transmission Map for Image Dehazing

指導教授 : 黃士嘉




Visibility of the captured outdoor images in inclement weathers, such as haze, fog and mist, usually is degraded due to the effect of absorption and scattering caused by the atmospheric particles. Such images may significantly contaminate the performance qualities of the intelligent transportation systems relying on visual feature extraction, such as traffic status detection, traffic sign recognition, vehicular traffic tracking, and so on. Recently, haze removal techniques taken in these particular applications have caught increasing attention in improving the visibility of hazy images in order to make the performances of the intelligent transportation systems more reliable and efficient. However, estimating haze from a single haze image with an actual scene is difficult for visibility restoration methods to accomplish. In order to solve this problem, we propose a haze removal method which requires a combination of two main modules:the haze thickness estimation module and the visibility restoration module. The haze thickness estimation module is based on bi-gamma modification to effectively estimate haze for transmission map. Subsequently, the visibility restoration module utilizes the transmission map to achieve the haze removal. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed haze removal method can restore the visibility in single haze images more effectively than can other state-of-the-art methods.


Dark Channel Prior Haze Removal


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