  • 學位論文


Using Cloud Computing Service to Construct Trading Information System

指導教授 : 吳忠敏


傳統貿易商憑藉著掌握特定買賣方之訊息,做為商業機密以維持其生存利基。近年來網際網路的發展,市場資訊變得更加公開透明,依附產業而生存的貿易商面對國際化的挑戰必須積極轉型,需利用資訊科技來強化本身運作與管理的效率,完全滿足顧客的需求。因此,以服務導向雲端運算觀念的虛擬企業資訊架構,將逐漸成為商業環境競爭的利器。對於軟體廠商而言,雲端服務不僅可以協助企業節省營運成本及提升企業運作效率,並且可以創造新的獲利空間。本研究將從軟體服務供應商的角度進行研究探討,以建構符合台灣貿易商需求的雲端服務資訊系統平台。 本研究為探索性實證研究,分為二個階段各自採用不同的研究方法。第一階段為個案研究法,先透過次級資料分析針對國內出口貿易商組織及流程進行文獻及個案分析,歸納整理出符合潛在目標客戶的雲端服務;再採用非結構式焦點群體法,演繹出滿足出口貿易商資訊化需求的雲端服務商業模式。第二階段則為系統分析法,主要以企業系統規劃及服務導向架構的概念為主體進行系統分析。 本研究結果將以出口貿易與雲端服務結合為主體,建構服務導向的資訊系統。透過本體論與企業系統規劃分析法將出口貿易商作業流程區分為一般性,特殊性,客製性三種雲端服務。資訊服務廠商可透過雲端服務所建構之貿易系統促使更多的貿易商使用便捷的資訊化系統,提高市場競爭力。


雲端服務 本體論 資訊系統


Traditionally, traders hold the information of specific buyers as business secrets to subsistence. However, marketing information become more public. The traders should change to overcome the internationalization challenge. They should enhance their operation and manage efficiency to satisfy customers’ demands. Therefore, the information system becomes an important factor in commerce competition. For software makers, cloud computing service can not only help enterprises to save operation cost and enhance efficiency, but create new profit. This study in the view of software suppliers builds the cloud computing service platform which meets the demands of traders in Taiwan. This study is an exploration research. The first stage is case study. It induces the cloud computing service which meets the demands of potential customers by analyzing the data of the organization and process of domestic export traders. Then deduces the cloud computing service model which satisfying the information demands of export traders. The second stage is system analysis. It analyzes the system by using business structure planning and service-driven frame as the object. Combining trades’ needs and cloud computing service, this study builds service-driven information system. Using ontology and business system analysis, the process flows of export traders are classified to general, special and customized three kinds. Information service companies make more traders use the convenience trade system which is build by cloud computing service and enhance their competition ability.


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