  • 學位論文


Co-relation between the Unemployment Rate and CO2 Emission and other Economic Development Indicators in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林逾先


近年來溫室效應所引發氣候變遷問題備受矚目,又因人類的經濟活動需消耗大量能源,其中的能源-化石燃料是造成大氣中二氧化碳等溫室氣體濃度急速增加主因之一。如可得知經濟活動及二氧化碳排放對於台灣失業率之間關聯性,即可能夠協助有關單位制定適當之配套措施。 本研究利用複迴歸分析估算台灣失業率與二氧化碳排放及經濟發展之關聯性,資料採用國際能源總署(IEA)統計有關台灣二氧化碳放資料與台灣經濟新報(TEJ)統計之經濟指標數據,進行自1971年至2008年複迴歸分析,本文以CPI(消費者物價指數成長率)、GDP(國內生產毛額成長率)及CO2(二氧化碳排放量成長率)為自變數,UR(台灣失業率)依變數,其所得到解釋度為60.8%,故可提供相關單位作為參考。


Recently, people were more concerned about the greenhouse effect caused by the climatic change problem, and we need more energy resources to do economic development, one of the factors was the fossil fuel that causes the carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions to raise the greenhouse effect. Moreover, we vehemently need to realize that, the Taiwan’s unemployment rate relationship with the CO2 emissions and economic development, which might results to the solution approaches to mitigate the problem. If we could relate these plights to the Taiwan’s unemployment rate relationship with CO2 emissions and economic development, the results can be solution approaches to the problem. This study applies regression analysis to derive and compare estimates of unemployment rate relationship with CO2 emissions and economic development in Taiwan. In this paper, we apply CO2 emissions data that is published by International Energy Agency (IEA) and economic index is published by Taiwan Economic Journal (TEJ) from 1972 to 2008. The regression use CPI, GDP and CO2 as the independent variable and UR as the dependent variable. The results indicate that the proposed model explained up to 60.8% of the Variance from the regression as the response rate. Analyses provide evidence of the reliability and validity of the proposed construct, Factors structures and measures to the problem.


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