  • 學位論文


A Study of the Factors Affecting Taxi Drivers’ Support for Smoke-Free Taxi in Taipei Area

指導教授 : 蘇千田


研究目的:二手菸暴露會危害健康已為科學證實,許多人非自願暴露在公共場所及交通工具。為減少民眾在公共交通工具內吸二手菸,台灣菸害防制法規定大眾運輸工具、計程車、遊覽車、捷運系統、車站等全面禁止吸菸。本研究旨在瞭解台北地區計程車之菸害現況,及計程車遵守車內禁菸規定的意願及其相關影響因素,以做為未來落實政策參考。 材料與方法:本研究為橫斷式研究(cross-sectional study),研究母群體為台北地區執業的計程車駕駛,以結構式問卷瞭解計程車駕駛對車內禁菸之認知、態度與執行情形。採立意抽樣方式,樣本分別來自三家自主管理車隊(台灣大車隊、友好車隊、婦協車隊)和台北地區重要排班點,共訪問209位自主管理車隊駕駛,和197位排班駕駛。 研究結果:研究對象之吸菸率為56.4%,遠高於我國男性平均吸菸率(39.5%)。不吸菸之駕駛較吸菸駕駛願意配合無菸車政策(OR=1.62);百分之百在車外吸菸者,顯著較百分之百在車內吸菸者願意配合無菸車政策(OR=2.23);知道禁菸規定之駕駛,並沒有較願意配合無菸車政策,反之,知道車內吸菸可能被罰款的受訪者較不知道罰款者願意配合無菸車政策(OR=1.74);自主管理車隊駕駛也較其他駕駛願意配合無菸車政策(OR=2.67)。受訪駕駛知道車內禁菸規定之主要媒體為廣播電視(占53.6%),因自主管理車隊會對所屬駕駛宣導禁菸規定,非自主管理車隊駕駛從廣播電視獲得資訊的比例顯著多於自主管理車隊(P =0.003)。 結論與建議:本研究結果發現,駕駛吸菸習慣、勸阻乘客吸菸行為、對於車內吸菸罰款的認知,以及計程車是否隸屬車隊,均會影響駕駛對無菸車政策的支持度。鑑於計程車駕駛的高吸菸率和無菸車的低執行率,相關單位應執行介入計畫(例如辦理菸害講習、法規宣導、戒菸班等),並強力要求計程車張貼禁菸標誌。而廣播電視和有組織的車隊均為菸害防制宣導之重要媒體管道。


Purpose : Many people are involuntarily exposed to the public place or transportation with environmental tobacco smoke (ETS). The adverse health effects of ETS are well recognized. Eliminating or minimizing exposure of ETS is the target work in smoking control programs. According to Taiwan Tobacco Hazards Prevention and Control Act, smoking should be forbidden in all of mass transportation. However, the implementation rate in taxi is still low. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the ETS exposure rate inside taxies in Taipei area and to examine the affecting factors for implementing smoke-free taxi. Methods and materials : A cross-sectional study was conducted using a constructive questionnaire. A total of 406 taxi drivers were interviewed, among them 209 were members of 3 motorcade companies and the another 197 were personal taxi drivers sampled from 3 taxi waiting places and 3 driver resting places. Results : The results showed that 56.4% interviewees were current smoker, it is much higher than the average male smoking rate in Taiwan(39.5%). The taxi drivers who do not smoke are willing to cooperate with free-smoke policy (OR 2.23); it is not necessarily that the drivers who know free-smoking policy are more willing to cooperate with the policy, instead, interviewees who know smoking will be fined are more willing to cooperate with the policy than who do not know (OR=1.74). Motorcade of autonomous management has more willingness to cooperate the free-smoke regulations (OR 2.67). Interviewees know the free-smoking policy mainly from broadcast and TV (53.6%) because the motorcade of autonomous management advocates this policy. Non-motorcade of autonomous management gets information about free-smoking policy from broadcast and TV more than motorcade of autonomous management (P=0.003). Conclusion :According to this research, the drivers’ smoking habits, the smoking forbidden behavior, the attitude toward smoking and being fined, and if the taxies belong to group will influence the degree of supporting the free-smoking policy. In terms of the high rate of smoking in taxi and the low rate of administration of free-smoking, the authorities concerned should guide the policy (for instance, through conducting the lecture of free-smoking, advocating the regulations, carrying out the plan of participating in quitting-smoke class, etc.), and put smoke-free stickers in the car. Both broadcast and TV, and the organized taxi groups are important method to advocate the free-smoking policy.


taxi smoke-free vehicle KAP


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