  • 學位論文


A Study of Dynamic and Static Analysis on Storage Planning Problem

指導教授 : 胡黃德




Due to the economic depression, many companies go abroad for the reason of cost saving. Many cost saving projects are proposed to cut down the cost, such as lower labor cost, management cost, and manufacturing cost down. However, the past researches pointed out that the company should investigate and solve the internal wastes of resources to enhance the business competence. Facility planning issue is one of the improvement tools for such cost saving projects. The purpose of this research was to investigate the effects of the storage planning policies in the warehouse operation planning. The planning and storage of the items in the warehouse was the main focus. Dedicated storage warehouse design and three different allocation methods were studied (rank, space-filling curve with X and Y type) using the simulated annealing method. The computer program was implemented with the Access software by Microsoft. Some designed parameters (I/O probability, I/O location, items) can be input by the designers to provide the flexibility and the program can perform both dynamic and static cost analysis for the storage planning problem. The result shows that cost of the rank storage can achieve the lowest cost, and then the space-filling curve with Y type. However, the rank storage may result in the discontinuity of the storage locations, and can be solved by the manual adjustment to obtain the better shape.


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