  • 學位論文


A study of the carousel storage system for spinning mill

指導教授 : 張百棧


現今,國內自動化搬運系統的設計仍然是以“機械工程”的角度來規劃,鮮少以“工業工程”的整體角度來設計,造成系統流程不夠“整體化”,系統因效率低落而時時處於忙碌狀態。系統因忙碌而造成機械疲勞容易故障導致效率低落。 本文針對雙旋轉料架運作以“工業工程”的角度來詳細探討其存儲及取出之控制策略,並以此為中心向上及向下探討紡絲工廠之成品自動化物流系統作一概略之探討。 本文提出五種入料設計方案,並針對各方案比較整體存儲與取出之總距離及伺服器運算負載。 設計方案一:最短距離啟發式求解法,隨機存儲。 設計方案二:最短距離啟發式求解法,集中同一批號存儲於每個料架同一 區域同一個區塊。 設計方案三:最短距離啟發式求解法,集中同一批號存儲於單一料架同一 區域同一個區塊。 設計方案四:最短距離啟發式求解法,集中同一批號存儲於每個料架同一 區域分兩個區塊。 設計方案五:最短距離啟發式求解法,集中同一批號存儲於單一料架同一區域分兩個區塊。


Today , the designer of an automatic handling system which usually from the point of view of the mechanical engineering instead of the Industrial Engineering. That is why the system does not integrate well enough. To prevent from mechanical fatigue and inefficiency. As a result the system is easy to breakdown. For spinning mill from the point of view of Industrial Engineering we describe a problem of storing and picking products in carousel storage. We also investigate the system performance of the automatic handling system in spinning mill before and after the attach ment of the kernel of carousels In this study, we proposed five different design and compare the total distance and the computer’s operation time for each design. Design 1:Random load, the nearest heuristic method. Design 2:Concentrate on the same manufactures in one block for each carousel, use the nearest heuristic method. Design 3:Concentrate on the same manufactures in one block similar to design 2 but only for one carousel, use the nearest heuristic method. Design 4:Concentrate on the same manufactures in two blocks and face to face for each carousel , use the nearest heuristic method. Design 5:Concentrate on the same manufactures in two blocks and face to face similar to design 4 but only for one carousel, use the nearest heuristic method.


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