  • 學位論文


labor characteristics and interaction of home-care workers – An example of Tao-yuan County

指導教授 : 陳芬苓


摘 要 本論文失能老人及身心障礙者補助使用居家服務計畫由內政部於二○○二年開始於各縣市推展,檢閱有關此類研究以評估研究為大宗,或討論居家之照顧服務員工作表現為主,尚未有研究探討居家照顧服務員之勞動特質及互動關係。因此,本研究旨在探討失能老人及身心障礙者使用居家服務計畫(簡稱居家服務)中照顧服務員之勞動特質及互動關係,並以桃園縣為例進行研究,以了解目前桃園縣從事居家照顧服務員之勞動特質為何,照顧關係與互動模式為何,並以社會交換理論來檢視其間之互動情形。 本研究採質化研究方法,共針對20位居家照顧服務員進行半結構性深度訪談。研究結果:一、居家服務中照顧服務員之勞動特性:以中年婦女為主教育程度為高中職。從事工作之動機乃是因為要照顧家庭與時間上有彈性投入此工作。對於工作內容覺得有些案家會將照顧服務員當傭人看待是最無法接受,而工作性質特性而言覺得督導及同事無法給予協助與聯繫,對於記錄的看法是為出勤的依據,另外對於工作的條件以愛心耐心為主,對於本身與家人的影響是正面的影響。二、照顧關係而言,服務對象之性別、類別與年齡的影響因生理疾病因素為主要差異點。與案主間的照顧關係處於專業職務導向及分享自我為主;而與家屬的關係共三種關係為聯盟、衝突與分立三種。三、互動模式以家屬需求(照顧中心模式)為主,並醫病模式中「主動-被動」模式及「指導-合作」模式為主。四、以社會交換理論來檢視其互動,居家照顧服務員考量公平的交換為受到尊重為主,非報酬為主才是持續服務的主因。


ABSTRACT This paper surveys the project named “home-care services to those disabled senior citizens as well as physically and mentally retarded persons,” which was launched by Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2002 into all counties. As we know, most researches focused on the assessment of the carried out project or discussing home-care workers’ working performance, but not on the labor characteristics of the home-care workers and the interaction with their clients. Therefore, this study tries to take Taoyuan County as an example to explore the labor characteristics of the home-care workers, the custody relationship, and the interaction manner between them and their clients. In addition, we apply the theory of social exchange to examine their interaction. This study adopts the quality research approach to 20 home-care workers with semi-structured in-depth interview. The conclusion can be categorized to four aspects: (1) The labor characteristics of the home-care workers: Most of them are middle age women who graduated from senior high or vocational high school. They prefer a flexible working hour because they have to take care of their own family. They can’t stand being treated as servants and feel regret of not being able to get immediate assistants from their supervisors or co-workers. They treat the detail record as the evidence of their attendance and think the basic requirements of being a home-care aide are love and patience. The influence of this service job to them and to their family is positive. (2) The custody relationship: The distributions of clients’ gender, category, and age mainly depend on the differences of the physiological diseases they caught. The custody relationship is built on the basis of profession-oriented duty and the will to share. The relationship between home-care aides and clients’ family can be classified into three categories, named alliance, confrontation, and discreteness. (3) Interaction manner: Based on the hypothesis of clients’ family needs, the interaction manner is built up in “active-passive” and “guidance-cooperation” models. (4) Apply the theory of social exchange to examine their interaction: Home-care aides prefer being treated with more respect to being paid with better salary when considering their continuous services.


戴良吉(2015)。微軟Kinect for Windows傳感器在居家照護及復健上之應用〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2015.01059
