  • 學位論文


The Study of Managerial Competency Model Development -with F Company as Example

指導教授 : 李弘暉


本研究旨在透過文獻探討、專家訪談及問卷調查等研究方法來探討主管人員管理職能模式的發展過程,包括三大階段(一)管理職能模型建置(二)管理職能模型確認 ( 三)管理職能模型應用提案。各個階段的研究結果如下: 一、管理職能模型建置: 部門主管與單位主管之管理職能模型建置各包括四個群組,而每一群組含蓋四個職能項目,並明確地描述了每一項職能的定義及關鍵行為。 二、管理職能模型確認: 透過管理職能模型共識問卷調查,瞭解同仁對於公司的管理職能模型是否產生高度共識及其意見。分析結果顯示,具有高重要性與高共識度之部門主管職能項目共十項;單位主管則有九項。「高重要性且高共識度」之項目,值得優先建立發展;而屬於「低重要性且低共識度」之項目,則有待加強員工的認知後推展。 三、管理職能模型應用提案: 依建置模型之始的應用規劃,首先將應用在教育訓練與發展。提案包括建置線上職能評量系統與教育訓練與發展計畫擬定。 本研究亦進一步指出研究之限制,以及對個案公司與其他研究者提供諸多實務上的建議。


The study is focus on development process of officer’s managerial competency model. The research scenario was constructed from professional article discussion, experts interview , questionnaire survey . The whole process can be divided into three stages --- (1) Managerial Competency Model Construction. (2) Managerial Competency Model Confirmation. (3) Proposal for Managerial Competency Model Application. The research conclusions for each stage are listed as the following: (1) Managerial Competency Model Construction The Division head and Section manager’s Managerial Competency Model was formed by four clusters , and each cluster include four competency items. Each item was described the definition and key behavior clearly.. (2) Managerial Competency Model Confirmation After the analysis of Managerial Competency Model Questionnaire, we can easily judge whether every member form a highly common consensus or not. The analysis result has revealed ten high important and high common consensus items are choosed for division head, and nine items are choosed for section manager. High important and high common consensus items should be developed at higher priority. Low important and low common consensus items should be postponed to second stage. (3) Proposal for Managerial Competency Model Application Base on original planning, the Managerial Competency Model will be applied to Training and Development first. The proposal will setup a on-line competency assessment system and plan the training courses for managerial competency. This research not only indicate the restriction of the study but also provide some practical suggestions to the company and researcher which intend to build the competency model.


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