  • 學位論文


Adopting Core Resource View to Explore the Process of Experiential Value that ICT Brings to Customers in Business District –A Case Study of Ximending

指導教授 : 劉恒逸


西門町商圈是一個新舊文化不斷交融的地方,有本土的、老牌的,也有最新的最流行的,是非常有特色的地方;因此希望能夠借重導入ICT資通訊應用,結合該商圈核心資源優勢,來提升遊客觀光的體驗價值,再創西門町繁榮與風華。 本研究係從核心資源觀點角度分析,商圈應如何找出本身之核心資源,進而透過ICT科技應用結合產品和服務,塑造遊客的體驗價值,藉此給其他欲導入科技應用之商圈提出發展建議。 本研究運用個案研究與半結構性的深度訪談法,對參與西門町智慧商圈之產官學研各界人士進行一對一訪問,取得一級資料後再與蒐集之次級資料整理歸納後,得到研究分析與結果呈現。 在研究架構上,本研究將商圈核心資源分為:有形資產、無形資產及組織能力三大類,而其經過ICT科技應用之體驗媒介後,可形成感覺性體驗價值、情緒性體驗價值、知性體驗價值、行動性體驗價值、關聯性體驗價值等五種遊客體驗價值之構面。 研究結果發現,西門町徒步街區內蘊含設計、電影、音樂、街舞、塗鴉、刺青等元素,是一個新舊共生的地方,也是青少年次文化流行重鎮,商圈之核心資源呈現多元混搭風格,以致於商圈特色及性格不鮮明;在其所建置之ICT體驗媒介偏向單向資訊溝通,內容也偏重觀光導覽非主題文化觀光導引,使用率不如預期;最後在顧客體驗價值形成上顯示,顧客體驗是一連串的連鎖反應,依據商業環境資源的不同、產業型態或行銷規劃的不同,體驗策略模式也會不同。 研究建議西門町朝「電影觀光商圈」定位推進,可讓復古與新潮的特色兼容並蓄,符合當地特性又主題鮮明,並且運用ICT科技應用設計相關行銷活動,並將西門人文特色與流行文化融合其中,從感官體驗直接觸動遊客心中對當地情感連結,再誘發其對商圈進一步的思考與想法,進而產生行動體驗或關聯性體驗,是形成顧客體驗價值的最有效途徑,同時也可以促進電影藝術的蓬勃發展及吸納更多遊客族群,同時也為西門町周邊地區帶來無限的商機。


Ximending, one of the most popular tourist spot in Taiwan, is an exceptional place where mixes with various characteristics - new and old, local and fashion . In order to enhance the tourists’ visiting experiences and to re-create Ximending’s prosperity and elegance, it is suggested to implement the ICT applications with combining with its original core resources. This research, analyzed from the perspective of core resource, is about the Ximending’s Business District should find its own core value, and though utilized the ICT application, including products and services, to bring the fresh new visiting experience to tourists. Via doing the practical practice, this experience could provide useful and critical suggestions to other business districts. Via adopting case study and semi-structural interviews, the whole study is collected data from the participants who have been involved in Ximending Business District programme of establishing the intelligent commercial district.Research data was collected by using self-administered surveys and interviews. Participants, who join this research, includes 1 members of commercial district associations, 1 professional consultants, 1 local government officers as well as 1 Plan control managers. The final result is confirmed through several meetings and it is also presented after the careful induction of data analysis. This research divided the Core Resource into three categories—physical assets,intangible assets and the ability of organizing. Through the ICT application, it could be formed five different new experience values - sensation, feeling, thoughts, action and relation, to the tourists. The results indicates that the Ximending Pedestrian Area, full of design, film, music, hip-hop, graffiti, and tattoo, is a place where old and new culture coexisted, and also an important region for teenagers to congregate. Due to the combination with various elements, Ximending lost its own identity and speciality. The current constructed ICT media focused on one way information communication, and its content also emphasized on “tour guide” rather than “tour instruction”; therefore, the usage rate is under estimated. And the customer experience is a series of chain reactions - based on the differences of business environment, industry style, or different marketing strategies; therefore, the strategy model should be different as well. Our research suggests that Ximending can position itself as a sightseeing movie business district. We can use ICT to design marketing activities that includes local cultural characteristics or fashion culture. It will enhance customers’ sensory experience and further to connect with their heart. They will have different thought and emotion for the place. It is the good way to increase customer experience value. Finally, customers bring special emotion to Ximending and unlimited business opportunity.


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