  • 學位論文


The Study of Social Network Sites on Social Media Marketing-A Case Study of Facebook

指導教授 : 陸承志


近年來網際網路的快速成長帶動了社交網站的發展,許多社交網站如雨後春筍般冒出,最有名成長最快速的非Facebook。然而,除了吸引更多的新會員外,社交網站的成功仰賴會員的持續參與。為了使社交行銷會員持續參與,社交網站經營業者需要瞭解影響會員持續使用意願之因素。本研究將針對台灣地區使用過Facebook並具有會員身分的使用者,進行資料蒐集與分析,以探討使用者的使用動機、社交互動、使用程度、相互信任、隱私及持續使用意願等變因對社交行銷之影響。 本研究參考過去文獻發展問卷量表,共回收350份有效問卷,並使用結構方程模式進行分析,以瞭解Facebook會員對各潛在變項之看法,並對本研究提出的模型進行驗證。考慮整體樣本的實證結果顯示,相互信任、使用程度及資訊隱私對Facebook持續使用意願有直接正向顯著影響;持續使用意願對社交行銷有間接存在正向顯著影響。本研究貢獻為依研究架構等變因,找出影響社交行銷網站持續使用意願的因素。並提出改善及增進的相關建議,供社交網站設計者及經營著作為參考,以及在資管領域未來理論模式的發展與應用上提供參考。


A procedure is Recently, the rapid growth of the Internet has boosted the development of the Social network sites(SNSs). Many Social network sites websites Have appeared, Facebook is one of the most famous and fastest-growing. A successful Social media marketing needs not only to attract more new members’ but also to make them to participate continuously. In order to enable members’ to continue participating, the service providers of online forum must identify the factors that influence members’ continuance intention. Based on the Expectation Confirmation Model, this research proposes a model to explore the important factors for members’ of Facebook in Taiwan. Data collection and analysis, The model is constructed by the User Motivations, Level of system use, Social Interaction, Interaction Trust, Information Privacy, Continuance Intention, for examining members’ Social media marketing. To verify the proposed model, a questionnaire is developed based,350 questionnaires were a total recover, And conducted using structural equation modeling analysis. on the related literatures to measure the relevant constructs. Three cases are analyzed, i.e., with the whole samples, with just male samples, and with just female samples. For the whole sample case, the results show that the Interaction Trust, Level of system use, Information Privacy have significantly positive effect on members’ continuance intention; Continuance Intention have significantly positive effect on members’ Social media marketing; In this study, the contribution according to study architecture, and other changes, Find out the impact of Social media marketing of continuance intention. and put forward to improve and enhance the relevant recommendations for the social networking site designers and operators work as a reference, and provide reference for future theoretical model development and application in the field of Information Management.


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