  • 學位論文


Rhetoric devices in print advertising: Analyzing persuasion through consumer response

指導教授 : 林淑璋


現今這快速變遷的社會中,商品不斷更新,而商品的廣告也為了要創新以吸引顧客而互相競爭。在這種情況下,學術界開始出現學者研究分析廣告中文字、圖片的修辭(verbal/ visual rhetoric),以及文字與圖片修辭的用法。然而,較少有研究專注於消費者反應分析(consumer response),也就是透過分析消費者反應,反觀文字及圖片修辭的說服力。   本研究所使用之兩種雜誌的紙本廣告,分別為時代雜誌(Time):九十三篇自二零一一年至二零一二年,以及時尚雜誌(Vogue):三百七十一篇自二零一一年至二零一二年。兩種廣告修辭分析框架分別採用McQuarrie & Mick (1996)的文字廣告框架,以及Pillips & McQuarrie(2004)的圖片分析架構。   研究結果分為兩部分,首先是根據廣告進行修辭分析分類,再將所得到的結果透過問卷調查加以驗證。廣告修辭分析以文、圖兩個部分進行,發現兩種雜誌中,文字修辭最常使用的是圖文相符但並非文字本意的用法(resonance);圖片修辭分析發現有不同的結果,廣告中兩圖像並置且相似的排版方法「並置─相似」(juxtaposition-similarity)在兩雜誌中皆為最廣泛使用之圖片修辭,但時代雜誌另有兩種廣泛使用之修辭為「結合─連結」(fusion-connection)與「並置─反射」(juxtaposition-reflection)。另一方面對於最少被使用的文字修辭,兩種雜誌則呈現不同的傾向,時代雜誌是押韻(rhyme),時尚雜誌是問句修辭(rhetorical question)。圖片修辭方面,時代雜誌最少使用的是「替代─連結」(replacement-connection),以及「結合─相似」(fusion-similarity)。而時尚雜誌廣告中最少見的修辭是「並置─反射」(juxtaposition-reflection)。   此分析結果將最常用與最少見之文字、圖片修辭,以問卷的方式加以進行消費者反應研究,結果顯示在兩雜誌中最常使用的圖、文修辭也受大部分的消費者認同,然而也有少數持有負面評價的消費者認為,較常被使用的圖、文修辭雖然有一定的說服力,但是在整體廣告的設計中仍然需要改進,像是文字的大小以及編排位置。兩雜誌中最少使用的圖、文修辭,也多數不受消費者認同,但其中就有消費者認為,像押韻這種簡單明瞭的廣告修辭,應當會使廣告更有說服力。   本研究以分析消費者反應,反觀紙本廣告中圖文修辭之說服力。期待藉著消費者反應分析,透過消費者的觀點,提供理論性的結果以幫助廣告業者有效的透過廣告得到行銷效益。


In this fast moving society, products are being renewed every day and their advertisements compete to be creative and attractive. Under these circumstances, ever more studies analyze the verbal and visual rhetoric in the advertisements and their usage. However, little attention has been paid to examine both verbal and visual rhetoric for their persuasion through consumer response. The materials were ninety three advertisements from Time magazine 2011-2012 and three hundred seventy one advertisements from Vogue magazine 2011-2012. Two frameworks of analyzing rhetorical devices were used. The first taxonomy for verbal rhetoric is based on McQuarrie and Mick (1996) for its rhetoric structure and usage. The second framework was adopted to analyze visual rhetoric and its meaning delivered through advertisements by Phillips and McQuarrie (2004). The results of the verbal and visual rhetoric analysis would be verified and proofed through consumer response. The most commonly used verbal rhetorical figure for print advertisements in both magazines is resonance and the most commonly used visual rhetorical figure in both magazine is juxtaposition-similarity. Fusion-connection and juxtaposition-reflection also showed to be the widely used visual rhetorical figures in Time magazine. Rhyme is the least used verbal rhetorical in Time, and rhetorical question is the verbal rhetorical figure least used in Vogue. On the other hand, the visual rhetorical figures least used in Time are replacement-connection, and fusion-similarity. The least commonly used visual rhetorical figure in Vogue is juxtaposition-reflection. After the magazine ads been categorized, the consumer response was conducted through the online questionnaire with the magazine ads copies to test the persuasion of each rhetorical device. The result showed that the most commonly used rhetorical devices were mostly favored by the consumers. Even though there were still negative responses toward the most commonly used rhetorical devices, the comments were disagreeing on the layout design of the ads, such as small word titles or poor layout arrangements. On the other hand, the least used rhetorical devices in the ads were mainly disagreed by the consumers. However, some consumers claimed that rhetorical figure such as “rhyme” would be persuasive since it was simple, common, and comprehensible. The purpose of this study is to investigate the persuasiveness of the rhetorical devices in print ads from an academic perspective through consumer response. The academic result of both research studies and consumer responses could offer guidelines or ideas for advertisers with high credibility from the consumers’ perspective to their greatest marketing benefit.


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