  • 學位論文


A preliminary study of Gay and Lesbian friendly healthcare in psychiatry: Views from physicians and nursing.

指導教授 : 成令方


隨著同志運動興起與社會風氣開放,同志主動爭取自身權益,同志就醫權是其中之一。透過推動同志友善醫療的醫護人員經驗,可讓更多的醫護人員在其工作場所落實同志友善醫療。 本研究從醫療人員實作經驗、教育訓練以及精神科醫護人員與同志個案互動經驗,探究同志友善醫療。本研究採取質性研究訪談法,共訪談五位精神科醫師、三位精神科護理人員及一名感染科護理人員,每位受訪者訪談約半小時至一小時的時間。透過精神科醫護人員及感染科護理人員與同志互動經驗進行討論,並探究以下問題:一、醫療院所可以透過哪些方式,做為同志友善醫療的建制?二、精神科醫護人員對同志有何種性別認知?其認知如何影響精神科醫護人員看待同志個案?精神科醫護人員如何與同志個案互動? 研究發現,從台北市同志友善醫療推動經驗,看到透過由上而下政策施行,較能全面性推動同志友善醫療。而在醫學教育及臨床在職教育裡,加入多元性別課程,可增加醫療人員對同志的認知。另外,醫護人員具有性別敏感度、能主動釋出友善態度,對同志持開放溫和態度以及不帶有異性戀預設的問話技巧,較能跟同志個案建立信任感與關係。透過本研究,期望醫界能藉由同志友善醫療的推動,打造同志友善就醫環境,提供同志個案適切的治療與照護。


同志 同志友善醫療 精神科


With the rise of sports and social atmosphere open gay and lesbian, gay and lesbian initiative to fight their rights, the right to medical care is one of the gay and lesbians. Gay and lesbian friendly healthcare through the promotion of medical experience, allowing more health care workers to implement their gay and lesbian friendly healthcare in the workplace. In this study, the experience from the medical staff to implement, training and experience of psychiatric medical staff interact with gay and lesbian cases explore gay and lesbian friendly medical care. In this study, qualitative research interviews, interviews with a total of five psychiatrists, three psychiatric nurses and a nurse infected subjects, each respondent interviews with about half an hour to one hour of time. Conducted by psychiatric nurses and health care workers and infectious diseases, interactive experience gay and lesbian discuss and explore the following questions: one, through the ways in which hospitals can, as a friendly medical care for gay and lesbian establishment? Second, psychiatric health care for gay and lesbians what gender awareness? How it affects their perception of psychiatric medical staff treat gay and lesbian cases? Psychiatric health care workers how to interact with gay and lesbian cases? The study found a friendly push from the experience of Taipei friendly medical care for gay and lesbian, see through top-down policy implementation, better able to promote comprehensive health friendly gay and lesbian. In medical education and clinical service education, the added multi-gender programs, increase awareness of gay medical staff. In addition, gender-sensitive health care workers can take the initiative to release a friendly attitude towards the gay and lesbian hold an open attitude and mild with no preset heterosexual questioning skills, compared with cases sorted gay and lesbian build trust and relationships. Through this study, the medical community can be expected gay and lesbian friendly health promotion, to create a friendly environment for medical treatment gay and lesbian, gay and lesbian cases provide appropriate treatment and care.


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