  • 學位論文

高雄市裝置公費全口假牙者 自覺咀嚼能力與飲食攝取之相關性研究 高雄市裝置公費全口假牙者自覺咀嚼能力與飲食攝取之相關性研究

The Association of Self-Reported Chewing Ability and Dietary Intake in Public Funded Complete Denture Patients in Kaohsiung City. The Association of Self-Reported Chewing Ability and Dietary Intake in Public Funded Complete Denture Patients in Kaohsiung City.

指導教授 : 周肇茂


背景: 牙齒脫落是高齡者最常見之口腔問題,國民健康局2006年調查發現台灣地區65歲以上高齡者全口無牙盛行率為21%。咀嚼功能受損在選擇食物種類及營養攝取方面明顯受到限制,進而影響健康狀況。台灣地區對於裝置義齒之老年族群所進行營養相關調查方面的研究報告有限。 研究目的: 本研究為分析高雄市裝置公費全口義齒者自覺咀嚼能力與飲食攝取之相關性。 研究方法: 本研究共收集103位高雄市65歲以上老人公費裝置全口假牙之民眾。研究工具為假牙品質評估檢查與問卷調查,其中問卷內容包括:人口學資料、假牙滿意度、自覺咀嚼能力以及五大類食物飲食攝取。資料收集自2008年3月到9月。統計分析利用對數廻歸分析自覺咀嚼能力與飲食攝取之關係。 結果: 本研究結果顯示58%受訪者對全口假牙感到不滿意,有51%受訪者表示用餐時感到咀嚼不舒服,其中僅有4%受訪者其每日飲食符合衛生署訂定五大類食物建議攝取量的標準,而另外也有4%受訪者完全未符合,每日蔬菜類攝取量僅有17%受測者超過300公克。卡方檢定顯示發現自覺咀嚼能力與假牙品質評估及假牙滿意度具統計上顯著性相關,且對數廻歸分析結果顯示自覺咀嚼困難者其蔬菜類攝取不足之風險較高。 結論: 影響自覺咀嚼能力與飲食攝取狀況的相關因素有假牙品質以及民眾對假牙之滿意度;其中造成裝置假牙高齡者每日蔬菜攝取量低於三份的因素為:用餐時間較長、用餐時感到咀嚼不舒服、每日至少一次以上攝取軟質主食、無法咀嚼整顆蘋果以及有咀嚼困難狀況。


Background: The most common oral health problem among the elderly population is the loss of teeth. In Taiwan, approximately 21% of the people 65 years and older are edentulous, that was evaluated by Bureau of Health Promotion in 2006. Masticatory function impairment often restricts food selection and nutritional intake and affects the health status. There are limited studies about nutritional status in elderly complete denture patients in Taiwan. Study objective: The purpose of this study was to assess the association of self-reported chewing ability and dietary intake in public funded complete denture patients in Kaohsiung City. Study methods: There were 103 elderly complete denture patients whose dentures were funded by the Health Department of Kaohsiung City. Research protocols include survey on: complete denture quality examination and questionnaire. The responses to queries regarding demographics, denture satisfaction, and chewing capabilities were correlated with dietary guidelines for five basic food groups. Data was collected from March to September 2008. Multiple logistic regressions were computed to identify the relationship between questions of self-reported chewing ability and food consumption. Results: There were 58% of the subjects reported dissatisfaction with their dentures and 51% reported discomfort with chewing. 4% of the subjects met the Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA)standards for all five of the food groups and 4% of the subjects reported not meeting the RDA standards for any of the five food groups. There were only 17% of the total subject pool consumed exceeding 300g of vegetables. The Chi-square test showed significant differences between self-reported chewing ability, complete denture quality examination and denture satisfaction. Multiple logistic regression analyse revealed that subjects with self-reported chewing difficulty who had higher risk of consuming less vegetable. Conclusion: The elderly self-reported chewing ability and dietary intake were affected by complete denture quality or satisfaction. The influence of complete denture wearers whose vegetables intakes did not met the RDA were that spent more time to eat during meal times, felt uncomfortable during chewing, ate soft foods at least one meal a day, had difficulty chewing apple without peel and cut, self-reported chewing difficulty.


1.陳毓芬。南台灣地區中老年人口腔健康狀況調查【碩士論文】。高 雄:高雄醫學大學牙醫學研究所。1993。
