  • 學位論文


The Temporal Rhythm of Sleep Irregularity and Physical/Mental Well Being among Nursing Professionals

指導教授 : 楊玉娥


本研究為了瞭解護理人員擺盪於日夜顛倒之生活世界,了解護理人員因日夜顛倒的工作模式對於時間節律及身心感受。採用質性研究之現象學研究法,以立意取樣及滾雪球方式,對十三位護理人員進行深度訪談,將訪談內容完整轉換成文本後,將訪談文本經Colaizzi的內容分析法進行資料的分析。由個案描述的經驗脈絡中分析結果,依時間序列歸納成:壹、輪班生活之開端-期待與衝突: 成為臨床護理人員喜悅與困擾、成為臨床護理人員之領會;貳、處身循環日夜顛倒的生活時間-身體與心理:擺盪過程中疲憊與辛勞、時差轉換與精力的消磨、家庭關係之區隔與連結; 参、平衡點之協調與磨合:擺盪過程之喘息;資訊社群之聯繫。 本研究結果顯示,在護理輪班工作者不論是男或女皆有相同的感受,對於長期擺盪於日夜顛倒的生活型態中,造成的身心狀態的疲憊感,但每個人都有自己的調整時差的方式,讓自己處在輪班的生活模式中,仍創造出屬於自己獨特的生活及休閒模式,以滿足自己身心靈達到平衡。本研究以可提供臨床護理人員及護理行政者之參考,也可使護理相關科系學生能於在進入護理職場前能對護理臨床工作生活有進一步的體驗及認識。


The aim of this study was to explore the results of nursing professionals with sleep irregularity, i.e., sometimes sleeping at night and sometimes during the day, in order to understand the impact of such a working schedule on their temporal rhythm and physical/mental well being. Based on a qualitative phenomenology study, coupled with purposeful and snowball sampling, as well as in-depth interviews with 13 nursing professionals, the text elicited from the interview data was then examined by Colaizzi's content analysis. The results obtained by analyzing the experiences that the case study subjects shared in the interviews were categorized according to time series: 1. The inception of night shifts: expectations and contradictions as well as the joy and worries among clinical nursing professionals; 2. Life with sleep irregularity: physical and mental fatigue resulting from the irregularity, repeated sleep readjustment and weakening vitality, as well as alienation and impact on family relationships; and 3. Attaining a balance after adaptation: resting in such a work time pattern, and the connection with the communities that can provide related information. The study results show that for those persons whose work involves night shifts, whether males or females, experience similar physical and mental fatigue resulting from sleep irregularity. Despite this, they have their own ways to overcome the alterations of body’s circadian rhythms so that they can still maintain their unique lifestyles and recreation, achieving a balance of body, mind and spirit. This study is expected to serve as a reference for clinical nursing professionals and administrators, as well as for nursing-related students to have a better understanding of clinical work and life before they join the workforce.


