  • 學位論文


A Study of Symphonic Suite ŠÅSTÅ DEVAMANUSYÅNÅM by Kuo Chih Yuan

指導教授 : 顏綠芬


郭芝苑的《天人師–釋迦傳》交響組曲創作於1988年,是他一生創作的十三部管絃樂作品中最龐大的一首。樂曲長度約55分鐘,分上下兩集,共十一樂章。音樂描述釋迦牟尼佛從出生到修得正法,四處行腳傳道直至湼槃的過程。此作品是郭芝苑接受佛教團體普音文化出版社委託,依據該出版社發行的《點亮你智慧的燈》一書中44首詩文所創作。並於1989年四月,由郭芝苑與普音文化工作團隊,親自前往北京,由中國旅美指揮家陳佐湟指揮北京中央交響樂團,為此部作品錄音。普音文化委託此部作品創作,主要以錄音為目的,因此並無安排立即的首演。一直到1995年5月,才由陳澄雄指揮台灣省立交響樂團(現國立台灣交響樂團)於高雄文化中心首演。而台北的首演,則是十八年後,在作曲家的紀念音樂會上(2013年12月25日於國家音樂廳)。 本論文首先概述郭芝苑一生中音樂的學習與創作歷程、對臺灣樂壇的貢獻、以及十三首管絃樂曲的介紹。接著說明此作品委託創作的原由及過程,包含有聲資料錄音出版的過程,以及演出情形。接著,本論文最主要部份即為《天人師–釋迦傳》交響組曲的樂曲分析。由於作品龐大,故依其上下集內容分為兩章來敍述,上集六個樂章、下集五個樂章,每一節分析討論一個樂章。研究方法上,使用西方的樂曲分析的方式,由調式、調性、音階、和聲、節奏,以及動機的發展變化等方面,來探討此部作品。藉以了解,郭芝苑如何將描繪聖者一生的詩文,轉化為美麗的樂章,也盼能藉此篇論文與筆者拙見,讓此部鉅作更廣為人知。


郭芝苑 天人師 釋迦傳 交響組曲


Kuo Chih Yuan’s symphonic suite ŠĀSTĀ DEVAMANUSYĀNĀM was created in 1988, which is the greatest one among the thirteen orchestral works in his life. The duration is around fifty-five minutes, separated into two parts and eleven movements. The content described the process from Sakyamuni’s birth, his religious practice, the lecture on the doctrines, to the ultimate state of nirvana. This work was initially commissioned and inspired by forty-four poems from 「The Light That Enlightens Your Wisdom」 published by Poem Culture Corp. In April, 1989, Kuo Chih Yuan and his team came to Beijing to work with China Central Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by the China expatriate conductor Chen Zuo Huang. The work was primarily audio recorded. As a result, were not able to arrange immediate performance. Until May 26th, 1995, Chen Cheng xiong, as the conductor, led TPSO for its premier in Kaohsiung Cultural Centre. After eighteen years since then, Taipei premier was performed on Kuo Chih Yuan Tribute Concert in December 25th, 2013. The thesis firstly aims at the general introduction of Kuo Chih Yuan’s artistic creation, his contribution to the Taiwanese music field, as well as his thirteen orchestral works. Next, I would like to elaborate upon the birth of this masterpiece, inclusive of the process of recording, publication and live performance. Most important of all, I would analyze the symphonic suite ŠĀSTĀ DEVAMANUSYĀNĀM. Owing to the immensity of the work, I would discuss the two parts in two chapters, and analyze the movements respectively. In addition, I would employ the methodology as the Western Analyse to expatiate the work from the aspects of mode, tonality, scale, harmony, rhythm and motive. Via the discussion and my perspective, I hope that we can better understand how Kuo Chih Yuan converted the poetry describing the saint into the grand work, and to glorify this masterpiece.


郭芝欣:《從郭芝苑的 「臺灣」(Formosa)樂曲探討其本土意識及民族性 》。國


