  • 學位論文


The Effect of Hospital Employees’ Communication Satisfaction on Person-Organization Fit ─ Person-Job Fit as the Moderator

指導教授 : 陳金淵


目的 醫療機構人力不足問題的浮現,原因之一為基層員工無法透過適當管道傾訴問題,以至於員工與醫院之間共識不足、適配度不佳,難以追求組織願景與目標。然而,員工除了要有熱誠追求醫院的願景與目標,亦須擁有符合工作需求的專業能力。故本研究旨在探討醫院員工溝通滿意度對個人-組織適配度之影響,亦探討個人-工作適配度對兩者關係之干擾效果。 方法 本研究採橫斷式問卷調查法,選擇南部兩家區域級教學醫院之員工進行施測,並針對醫療、醫技、護理、行政四類員工採分層隨機抽樣。共發放850份問卷,回收707份,有效問卷共637份(有效回收率為74.94%)。資料整理後,除描述性統計與差異性統計檢定外,亦利用階層迴歸分析檢測個人-工作適配度在溝通滿意度和個人-組織適配度間關係之干擾效果。 結果 醫院員工的溝通滿意度對個人-組織適配度呈顯著正向影響;其中,與主管之溝通滿意度的影響力最大(β=0.457, p=0.000)。而在階層迴歸分析中,溝通滿意度與個人-工作適配度之交互作用對個人-組織適配度具有顯著的預測效果。若進一步將個人-工作適配度分為高、低二組,並以干擾圖進行檢測,顯示「高分組」員工之溝通滿意度對個人-組織適配度的影響力大於「低分組」的員工。 結論與建議 醫院應認真審視員工之權益並聆聽員工心聲,尤其透過主管與員工之溝通,將可提升員工與醫院之適配度。研究結果也顯示醫院必須同時注重員工與工作的適配情形,才能達成更高效益。因此,建議醫院除了加強與員工溝通關係之建立外,也可考慮在招募與甄選人力時,導入適配度之概念,以期網羅適配之員工。


Purposes One of the factors that contribute to the manpower shortage in the healthcare organizations is the lack of an appropriate channel for the lower-level employees to communicate their problems efficiently. This problem results in a low consensus and a poor person-organization fit between employee and organization and employees’ inability to seek after the vision and mission of the organization. Nevertheless, the employees are required to have not only the passion to achieve the vision and mission of the hospital, but also the professional competence to meet the job requirements. This study aimed to examine the impact of the communication satisfaction on the person-organization fit as well as the moderating role of person-job fit. Methods The study conducted a cross-sectional survey among employees from two regional level hospitals in Taiwan through a stratified sampling approach from the medical, technical, nursing, and administration departments. Among the 850 questionnaires that were distributed, 707 were responded and 637 were effective (with a 74.94% effective response rate). After data cleaning, descriptive analysis and difference test were conducted. Then a series of hierarchical regression analyses was implemented to examine the relationship between communication satisfaction and person-organization fit, and the moderating effect of person-job fit. Results The communication satisfaction of the employees positively influenced the person-organization fit, especially the communication satisfaction with their supervisors (β=0.457, p=0.000). In the hierarchical regression analysis, the interaction of communication satisfaction with personal-job fit significantly influenced the person-organization fit. An interference figure was obtained. Person-job fit was divided into "high groups" and "low groups", and the results show that the influence of communication satisfaction on person-organization fit for the "high group" employees was greater than the "low group" employees. Conclusions Healthcare organizations need to carefully examine the rights of the employees and listen to their opinions, especially through the communication between supervisor and employee in order to improve the person-organization fit. The study also shows the importance for the hospitals to examine the person-job fit of the employees in order to increase operational performance. Therefore, it is suggested that not only should healthcare organizations improve the communicative relationship with employees, they should also incorporate the person-job fit theory while hiring and new employees.


