  • 學位論文


A preliminary study of the working experiences of new staffs who quit within three months

指導教授 : 陳彩鳳


中文摘要 本研究目的是為探討三個月內離職之新進護理人員生活經驗的本質,希望能夠了解三個月的新進人員選擇成為護理人員的過程與感受為何?成為新進護理人員後,面臨哪些挑戰與衝擊?新進護理人員與單位間之人事物互動情形如何?選擇離開的生活經歷為何?本研究以質性研究的方法,藉由與三個月內離職之新進護理人員半結構深度訪談的方式,在獲得離職之新進護理人員的同意下,深入了解離職之新進護理人員主觀的生活意義。透過六位離職之新進護理人員共獲得十份的文本資料,再以質性內容分析法進行資料分析,歸納整理出三個月內離職之新進護理人員的生活經驗共有三個主題,分別是「隨波逐流無考量」、「百感交集兩頭熬」、「不如歸去的決心」。 經由本研究的探討,希望能了解新進護理人員選擇護理的原因以及三個月內的生活的改變及詮釋,亦期待相關專業人員能增加對新進護理人員三個月內職場經驗的理解,協助新進護理人員適應困難的項目,並提供在不同階段的調適策略,主動關懷及同理新人的需求,降低適應過渡期的傷害。


Abstract The main purpose of this study was to explore the essence of the new nurses’ working experiences, and to realize the process and perception that the new nurses chose to be nursing staff in the past three months. The new nurses may frequently confront with the problems of adjustment and lots of challenges. How did the new nurses interact with different workplaces? And why did the nurses choose to leave their jobs? The research adopts descriptive qualitative approach. By a semi-structured in depth interview with the new nurses leaving within three months and under the new nurses’ consent, the researcher hoped to realize in depth that the new nurses’ subjective life values. Through six new nurses leaving their jobs, the researcher gained ten text materials. Then analyzing the text materials by the content analysis of the Qualitative Approach and generalizing the life experiences of the new nurses leaving within three months. Those are three themes, drifting with the tide without thinking, having mixed feelings about burning the candle at both ends and deciding to leave their jobs, summarizing form the new nurses’ working experiences. The research is to explore the reasons why the new nurses chose to be nursing staff and their changes and interpretations of their lives. Also, the research is to expect that relevant professionals could increase the understanding of the new nurses’ life experiences during three months, assist the new nurses to overcome the difficulties of adjustment, offer them methods of adjustment in different stages, care for and empathize the newcomers’ need, and reduce the injury in the transition of adjustment.




