  • 學位論文

金控交叉銷售服務滿意度之調查研究 -以國泰金控為例

A Study on the overlapping sale service of satisfaction -Cathaylife Insurance as an Example

指導教授 : 曾信超
共同指導教授 : 陳彩鳳


「金融控股公司法」於民國九十年十一月一日開始實施,金融業可採控股公司型態跨業經營及同業併購,目前台灣已相繼成立15家金融控股公司,金融控股公司透過交叉行銷(cross selling)提供消費者保險、股票、信用卡、基金、債券…等,更多元化的金融服務,以擴大市佔率及降低經營成本。 一般而言,金控公司的業績營運綜效通常需要3-5 年以上才能慢慢顯現,而成立金融控股公司目的對內藉由交叉銷售擴大產品面,對外提供最完整金融服務以滿足消費者需求,然而金控公司提供一站購足(One Stop Shopping)的服務,是否真能提高客戶對金控的滿意度,本文研究重點即是在探討金控公司客戶對交叉銷售服務之滿意度,透過個案公司分析,整理金控交叉銷售的策略及客戶對此的服務滿意度,以提供實務界參考。 目前國內15家金控公司可以概分為保險、銀行、證券為主體的三大類,以保險為主體之金控公司,具有廣大的銷售點及眾多行銷人員,發展交叉行銷之業務具備相當大的優勢,本文將以國泰金控公司為研究對象,探討其如何善用本身優勢發展交叉銷售業務,並挑選該企業負責交叉行銷決策之主管,進行深度訪談取得初級資料,另以台南地區保戶為研究範本,透過問卷調查的方式,進行彙整、分析。 分析歸納結果簡述如下:一、國泰金控客戶對業務員服務滿意度在性別及年齡有顯著差異,以女性客戶及46-55歲客戶較為顯著。二、國壽客戶投保其它壽險公司狀況對「國壽可以滿足客戶一站購足需求的看法」有顯著差異,客戶僅投保國泰顯著高於有投保其它公司。三、客戶是否投保國泰強制險與「由國壽業務員獲得理財資訊難易度」有顯著差異,有投保國泰強制險客戶較為顯著。四、客戶購買國泰金控商品管道與「轉介紹其他客戶及購買國泰其他金融商品意願」有顯著差異,透過業務員購買顯著高於其他購買方式。 研究顯示,國壽客戶對業務員服務滿意度雖有不同看法,但普遍認為國壽產品可以滿足顧客需求,且透過交叉銷售的服務,可以容易取得其它相關服務,如投資理財資訊…等,同時透過業務員管道投保壽險,再購其它商品或轉介紹之情況大多持肯定的態度,綜合以上,可看出國壽客戶對國泰金控交叉銷售的服務認同度很高。


Abstract Since the “Financial Holding Company Act” was passed on 11/1/2001, the financial industry could establish the holding company to utilize “Conglomerated” Merger and Acquisition. In Taiwan, there are now 15 financial holding companies, which expand the market share, lower the operating cost and provide customers diversify financial service (insurance, stock, credit card, mutual fund, bond etc…). Generally, sales synergy of financial holding company will emerge after 3-5 years period. The purpose to establish the financial holding company is to increase sales volume internally and to satisfy customer’s need externally by providing whole financial service; however, “One Stop Shopping” really elevates customer satisfaction for the financial holdings? Based on case analysis, this thesis is to investigate the character of customer satisfaction under cross-selling strategy of financial holdings. The 15 domestic financial holding companies belong to 3 categories: insurance based, banking based and securities based. The insurance-based financial holding has large-scared points of sales, numerous agents, and great opportunities to develop cross selling. This is a case-study research that would describe the case company, Cathay Financial Holdings, to take advantage of self-superiority advancing cross selling. We not only interview the superintendent in charge of cross selling strategy but also choose the insurance police-holders of Tainan Area as sample to collect and analyze the secondary data. The result finds that: 1.Different gender and age of Cathay Financial Holdings’ clients and their customer satisfaction about agents are notable different. 2.For the clients exclusively hold Cathay life insurance policy and for those who also hold other insurance company’s policy, their customer satisfaction about “One Stop Shopping” are notable different. 3.For the clients hold Cathay car liability insurance policy and for those who do not, their customer satisfaction about “Difficulty Level of Financing Information from Cathay life agent” are notable different. 4.The clients from different sales channel and their willing toward “Referring other clients to buy Cathay financial service” are notable different. The research shows that even though Cathay Life clients’ customer satisfaction varies, they generally agree the financial commodities and service are satisfactory. Through cross selling, the clients can easily obtain additional service (financing information…). For those who buy insurance from agents, they have positive attitude regarding repurchasing and referring. In summary, the Cathay Life clients have high level identity of cross selling.


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