  • 學位論文


Applying the Model of Integrated Behavior to Explore Repeat Donation Behavior of Apheresis Donor

指導教授 : 秦兆瑋


摘要 血液是無法依靠人工的方式來取代的珍貴恩典,近年來醫療用血量逐年成長,甚至發生供不應求的危機(台灣血液基金會,2008)。而分離術捐血比起一般捐全血,可降低病人對緊急輸血的血液排斥反應、提昇惡性病治療的成功率,對於病人而言實為一大福音;然而,分離術血液不僅在來源獲取上雖有諸多限制、且儲存效期短,要如何找出影響分離術捐血者持續捐血之影響因素,為本研究最初之研究動機。因此,本研究主要的目的乃是運用整合行為模式探討分離捐血者持續捐血之意圖,是否會受到態度、自覺規範、個人動力之影響,以及分離術捐血者之持續捐血意圖、突出行為、習慣是否會影響其捐血行為。 根據上述研究目的,本研究以台灣分離術捐血者為母體,利用立意抽樣法,針對台灣雲嘉南地區在100年12月至101年月間施作分離術捐血的捐血人作為樣本進行調查,並將問卷調查與資料庫中實際分離術捐血次數進行配對。總計發出253份問卷,回收有效樣本有241份,有效回收率達95.2%,以此樣本進行分析。 對於理論架構與假設之驗證,本研究利用結構方程模式來進行研究驗證,再利用差異性分析探討不同的人口及地理特性在不同構面間之表現是否有顯著差,歸納出下列結論與貢獻。本研究發現分離術捐血者的態度、自覺規範、個人動力會正向影響其持續進行分離術捐血意圖之意願;此外,分離術捐血者的習慣與持續分離術捐血意圖對於其進行分離術捐血有正向的影響;本研究發現利用整合行為模式相較於以往能對於分離術捐血者之行為能有深入且完整之了解。


Abstract The blood is a precious grace which is unable to replace with artificial way. The amount of medicinal blood grew year by year, and the shortage crisis happened even in recent years. (Taiwan Blood Services Foundation, 2008) It is an exciting piece of good news for the patients who have some problems like rejection, infection, and the lack of platelet in blood. However, the platelet blood is not only limited to take but also difficult to store. Therefore, how to find the factors which affect the apheresis keeping donation is the initial motivation for this study. The main purpose of this study is using integrated behavior model to talk about the intention of keeping blood donation for apheresis, whether was affected by the attitudes, the perceived norm, and the personal agency, the donation behavior would they have effect donor’s intention, salient behavior, and habit. According to the above, the information of apheresis in Taiwan and the judgment sampling were used in the study. Questionnaires were distributed out to the donor among November to December in the south of Yunlin, Chiayi and Tainan areas in Taiwan, before the questionnaire and the real number of platelet blood donation in database were paired together. A total of 253 questionnaires were handed out, 241 effective ones were received back, the effect response rate was as high as 95.2% and analysis was based on those samples. For the verification of the theoretical framework and the hypothesis, the study conducted the structural equation modeling (SEM) and then the analysis of variance (ANOVA) among demographic characteristics and geographical was used to see if there are obvious sensitivities to various factors. In conclusion, this study has found the fact that using integrated behavior model for the behavior of platelet blood donation is more in-depth and complete than before to realize. Furthermore, the apheresis’ attitudes, perceived norm, and personal agency make a position impact on the intention of keeping platelet blood donation. And the habit with apheresis and the intention of keeping platelet blood donation both make a position impact on the behavior of platelet blood donation.


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