  • 學位論文


The Study of the Relationship among Knowledge Management , Professional Competencies , and Job Performance-An Empirical Study of Real Estate Brokers in Tainan area

指導教授 : 張慈佳


房地產產業之興衰深受大環境變動所影響,因此房仲業如何因應外部環境變遷所帶來的機會與挑戰,隨之調整自身所有的資源以改善劣勢,是房仲業能否持續創造競爭優勢之所在。不動產經紀從業人員在推動整個不動產業的發展是扮演著十分重要的角色。在工作特性上是人力、知識密集的產業,交易流程涵蓋法令、稅務、行銷、債權等廣泛的專門知識,所以從業人員必須具備精深的專業知識,以確保客戶的權益,如再透過知識管理加以儲存、創造、分享及運用,對提升仲介業者之工作績效更是有所助益。 本研究以台南市7區(東區、南區、中西區、北區、安平區、安南區、永康區)的房屋仲介從業人員為研究對象,進行問卷調查。透過敘述性統計分析、因素分析、迴歸分析等統計分析方法,藉以瞭解房屋仲介人員「知識管理」、「專業能力」與「工作績效」之相關性,並進而探討各研究變項彼此的影響。 研究結果顯示: 1.知識管理資源會提升房屋仲介人員專業能力的表現。 2.知識管理對房屋仲介人員工作績效的表現也有直接影響關係。 3.房屋仲介人員專業能力的程度愈高者,其工作績效的表現也愈好。 4.房屋仲介人員專業能力因為知識資源的投入後,對於工作績效也會有顯著的提升。 最後就本研究之結論提出研究建議,供房屋仲介公司管理階層及房屋仲介從業人員參考。


The rise and fall of the real estate is affected by the changes of environment. Therefore, how real estate brokers follow the opportunities and challenges brought by the changing external environment and adjust all their own resources to improve the disadvantage is the reason that real estate can continue creating a competitive advantage. Real estate practitioners play a very important role in promoting the development of the entire real estate. The characteristics of the real estate are labor-intensive and knowledge-intensive; the transaction process relates to wide range of expertise which includes laws, taxes, marketing, claim and so on. So, the practitioners must have the precision and depth of expertise to ensure the interests of customers and it will be helpful to the practitioners through storage, creation, and application of knowledge management. The researchers conducted a questionnaire survey and aimed at the real estate practitioners of the 7 districts in Tainan which involve the eastern, southern, north, central and western, Anping, Annan, and Yongkang District of the city. Analyzed through descriptive statistics, factor analysis, analysis of variance, regression analysis and so on statistical analysis methods to understand the relevance between real estate brokers' "knowledge management", "professional competence" and "job performance ", and then discusses the impact of the research variables. According to the research: 1.Knowledge management resources will increase professional competence of real estate agents. 2.Knowledge management resources have direct impact on working performances of real estate agents. 3.The real estate agents with higher professional competence perform better on their work. 4.Professional competence of real estate agents has increased because of knowledge resources which also make significantly improvement to working performances. Finally, according to the conclusion of the research, it can be a suggestion for managerial level and real estate practitioners of real estate companies.


