  • 學位論文


Study on Exploring Homeless People’s Experiences of Receiving Social Services

指導教授 : 卓春英


本研究旨在探討台灣遊民接受社會服務的經驗,了解遊民流浪成因、接受過的社會服務,如何詮釋受助的過程,研究者以立意取樣,運用深度訪談法,總共訪談南部地區共7位遊民。本研究訪談結果如下: (一)流浪成因 本研究受訪者的流浪成因,分別是貧窮、家庭、失業及其它(眷村改建)等4種原因,皆屬於結構性因素,而大多數受訪者都提到家庭問題是其流浪的關鍵因素。但在流浪前也有其它困境因素存在,兩者之間彼此交互影響。 (二)接受個人服務的經驗 社會大眾普遍對於遊民仍帶有負面標籤化的印象,但仍有超過半數受訪者有接受過個人服務的經驗,民眾提供的協助大多以物資為主,顯示民眾對遊民仍有一定程度的包容、同情及憐憫。但遊民鮮少求助於家人及親友。 (三)接受民間單位服務的經驗 受訪者是透過社工、民眾及遊民等訊息管道而接受服務,包括:基本需求服務、就醫及健康照護、訪視關懷、短期安置、就業、諮詢、急難救助、協助返鄉及申請社會福利等。大多數受訪者很感謝民間單位的協助,並期待民間單位可以加強就業服務及改善服務流程。 (四)接受政府單位服務的經驗 受訪者曾想透過申請政府補助來舒緩經濟的困境,但因條件不符,只能選擇在外流浪,而政府多半被動提供服務,主動發掘及關懷遊民的比例仍然不高,而遊民受助的感受,又不若接受個人服務及民間單位服務來得溫暖。 最後研究者針對未來的遊民服務及研究提出建議。 關鍵字:遊民、社會服務


遊民 社會服務


This study explored homeless people’s overall experience of receiving social services in Taiwan. The causes of homelessness and types of social services the homeless people received were figured out through a detailed exploration of the experiences of seven homeless people drifting in southern Taiwan by in-depth interview based on purposive sampling methods. The result of interview is as followings: 1. Four causes of homelessness The causes of homelessness can be divided into four types belonging to structual factors which are proverty, family, unemployment, and the other causes like reconstruction of family houses communities. According to most interviewees, the family problems could be the crucial facotor leading to their homelessness. However, the structual factors would be interacted with other factors of dilemma before homelessness. 2. Experience of receiving individual services The common people in Taiwanese society are always considered to bear stereotype of homeless people. However, in this research it shows that more than half of the interviewee have experiences of providing individual services. It means the public expose their tolerance, compassion, and mercy mostly by material support which make the homeless people warm. Besides, it seems that homeless people seldom ask their family, relatives, and friends for help. 3. Experience of receiving services from NPO With informations of social workers, citizens, and other homeless people, the interviewees received services from NPO such like basic need services, medical and health services, spiritual care visit, short-term residential care, employment, emergency assistance, home-return assistance, and application for social welfare. By study, most interviewees were grateful for the support of the NPO and meanwhile expected improvement of service procedures and especially the employment assistance service. 4. Experience of receiving services from government welfare institutions The interviewees became homeless because of unqualification when trying to apply government subsidy in the past. For these homeless people, the passive homeless services mostly provided by government, which cause the low rate of spontaneous homeless searches and homeless care, were not as warm as the services of individual and NPO. At last, suggestions are given by the author for futher improvement of homeless services and studies concerning homeless services. Key words: homeless people; social service


homeless people social service


李媚媚、林季宜、鍾聿琳 (2002)。萬華地區遊民的生活狀況與健康問題。護理雜誌,49(4),87-91。


