  • 學位論文


The influencing factors for bargaining the price of raw houses by general publics

指導教授 : 何財能


摘要  現今社會上,一般民眾選擇自用住宅時,由於其經驗及專業知識的不足,且所需要的資訊缺乏多面向且真實的來源,只能由建商或仲介公司提供房屋品質、房屋每坪單價、房屋總價或其所謂合理的成交價格而已。 其實,消費者在此一商業活動中,掌握了最大的談判籌碼“金錢”,只要能多聽、多選擇、多比較,就不會在和建商或仲介公司的談判中處於被動不利的角色。 本研究嘗試從消費者角度出發,以更客觀的現實考量房屋對消費者所能產生的消費及投資價值,希望在一般消費者與專業的建商或仲介公司議價過程中,幫助消費者取得向房屋供給者議價的優勢。


透天住宅 議價 德爾菲法


Nowadays when general publics plan to buy their own houses, due to the lack of experiences and knowledge, even incorrect or inefficiency message sources, they can just get very limited information about the qualities of houses, the unit price of each square foot, total price of square feet, and the so called reasonable bargain prices from constructors or agents. However, most consumers do have the right to totally dominate such commercial activities. Since they pay more attention on listening,choosing, and doing the comparisons among all the candidates of targets, they really can be more aggressive in the negotiation process. This research stands in the consumers’ point of view and provides them more reasonable prices about the target buildings. With these reasonable prices, general publics can take more advantages in the bargaining process with constructors or agents.


raw houses


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